Sheamus for julesjazzy

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This one shot is a lot different to my usual ones so I would really appreciate some feedback on it :)


Jules' POV

I sat down on the crate taking a sip of my water, watching Sheamus as he walked down the corridor, texting away on his phone, oblivious of his surroundings. I couldn't take my eyes off of him as his best showed his huge biceps off perfectly. He was a walking image of perfection and whilst he didn't know it, I sure did.

Sheamus' POV

I turned the corner to see her sat on the crate. My heart rate picked up as I struggled to think of something to do to stop myself from staring at her. My only solution was to get my phone out as I tried desperately to stop myself looking over at the image of perfection who was on my left. I couldn't bring myself to look at her, the butterfly feeling in my stomach.

Jules' POV

I walked into the holding room as my match was coming up. All the superstars who had matches in the next hour were there, but one person caught my eye. Above the New Day I could see a few ginger spikes sticking up in the air. I looked down slowly seeing his body and muscles in the gaps between the wrestlers. I tried to look elsewhere but I couldn't, as his chuckle echoed through the room.

Sheamus' POV

I watched the curtains open as in she walked. I noticed her gorgeous eyes scanning the room making me quickly avert my look elsewhere. I got involved quickly in someone's conversation. I looked to my right and saw Rusev who I instantly struck up conversation with. Whilst he wasn't the easiest person to talk to, I felt like I needed to laugh hysterically at what he said just so I could capture Jules' attention.

Jules' POV

I watched Sheamus as he walked out for his match, rejoining him on the monitor as he did his signature yell. He opened up his arms, bawling his fists as I couldn't help but admire his passion for the fans and wrestling as he walked down to the ring, his legs looking better then they usually did.

Sheamus' POV

I walked out through the curtain to the flashing lights but all I could think about was Jules sat down by herself, everyone else ignoring her. My heart broke for her, she was such a kind hearted girl yet nobody seemed to want to give her the time of day.

Jules' Pov

He came back through the curtain, the sweat dripping off of him. I stood up as it was now time for my match, lightly brushing past him as I was counted down into my entrance. My theme music played as Alicia stood behind me ready to go out afterwards. "We're going to kill it," she told me as I walked through the curtains into the arena.

Sheamus' POV

As I walked through the curtain I watched her stand up, the height difference evident. She walked across, but as she did her arm lightly touched mine making shivers run down my spine. Before I could even apologise for being in the way she was gone and out in the ring on the monitor.

I went backstage and got ready to leave the arena once the show was finished, packing up my stuff. I watched a couple of matches on the screen, then picked up my heavy case, pulling out my phone, heading over to grab a coffee and sit down.

Jules' POV

I grabbed my phone from the cupboard, pulling up my texts as I walked round the corridor, heading to the dressing room. As I did I decided I would instead go and get a cup of tea from the canteen, walking back down the looping corridor to the canteen. I walked over to the door, typing away on my phone, grabbing the handle with my spare hand when I felt something warm cover it. I looked up and saw Sheamus who looked down at me. "You go." He said, letting go of the handle, and more importantly my hand.

Sheamus' POV

I pressed send on my text, grabbing the handle when I felt something warm underneath my hand. I looked up and saw an handle, which I followed to see Jules' smiling face. I didn't know what to do as I tried to stop the blush creeping onto my face. "You go," I quickly blurted out, removing my hand. She opened up the door holding it for me to grab. "You getting food?" She asked. "No, just a coffee." I replied, my heart never beating so fast. "Me too," she excitedly said.

Jules' POV

"Me too," I awkwardly said. I panicked slightly at his eyes looking at me. I smiled at him, unsure of what to say. "Well...I...I'm getting a tea anyway." Sheamus awkwardly laughed as I stepped back a bit embarrassed. "Do you want to sit with me?" He asked. I nodded as we walked over to grab our drinks, taking a seat at the table.

There was a bit of an awkward silence between us as we stopped our drinks. "Your match was really good tonight with Fox." "Thank you, so was yours." We both smiled at each other, as I tried to come up with a few questions I could ask him and speak to him about.

We ended up pretty much just not talking at all, both of us feeling a bit uncomfortable around each other. "Jules?" I looked back up at Sheamus who was looking right at me, a plain expression on his face.

"Yes?" I responded.

"I know this might sound crazy because we've not spoken hardly at all here, but I wanted to tell you why I'm so anxious around you?" I looked over at him as if to tell him to continue. "I really like you and I've always been so worried to tell you, and I know you don't like me, but I had to get it off my chest." He took a deep breath, staring down at the floor.

"I like you too." I relied causing him to look up over at me. I smiled over at him, as the corners of his mouth turned up too.

"Really?" I nodded as he grabbed his bag. "Maybe we should head out somewhere in that case?" He offered.

"Sure." I told him, finishing my tea, as all the awkwardness disappeared and we went back to my dressing room so that I could grab my stuff.

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