Brock Lesnar for deadman58

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After a tumultuous couple of months away from work nursing my knee injury, tonight was my return to WWE. I was indescribably excited to get back to doing what I loved. All the fans loved my unique character, and the love I got whilst away was truly heart warming. I had to admit I was a little odd, I wasn't a stereotypical wrestler, I had snake bites, tattoos, I definitely was different, but a good different.

I pulled the car up into a free space, unlocking my phone for directions around the arena. As I opened up my emails I noticed I had a new one from Vince McMahon. Of course I opened it to read that I had been asked to meet Vince, Stephanie and Hunter upon my arrival. I quickly got my bags out of the car, walking around security, following the pointers on my phone. I walked through greeting all of my friends who told me how good it was to see me better. I hugged some other people as I eventually got to Vince's office. I knocked on the door quietly, "come in." I heard Vince say. I walked in seeing the three of them sat behind a desk. "Britney welcome back, please take a seat." I sat down on the black chair opposite them.

"Thanks Vince." I smiled, shaking their hands.

"We wanted to call you in here for an exciting opportunity. We feel your return is the perfect opportunity to put you into the title picture. Tonight you'll face Charlotte for her championship. The fans love you and the match is certainly going to go down great tonight." I smiled in shock as Stephanie and Hunter nodded in agreement with Vince.

"Wow! Thank you so much." The three of them smiled at my reaction, I knew they always supported my character and differences more then anyone else.

"Well what are you still doing here, you've got a belt to go and win." I stood up, my massive grin still on my face, shaking all their hands and walking out of the office. Being the daughter of The Undertaker certainly had it's advantages, but I liked to think I got to where I was through all of my hard work. I hadn't been wrapped up in bubble wrap and protected, but I definitely got a few nudges when others didn't from time to time.

I walked out down to catering to see two of my good friends, Alicia and Sasha. The two of them were the only two who ever really bothered to come and see me during my interview, and I was beyond excited to let them all know my news. I saw them sat at the back of the room, running over and sitting beside them, dragging my suitcase behind me. "Britney!" Alicia screamed, causing Sasha to turn around and see me. Both girls ran over hugging me.

"I've missed you two so much." I told them, squeezing them both. We pulled away sitting down around the table.

"What's up with you? How's the knee?" Sasha asked.

I nodded. "It's great, everything is great. In fact, I have some awesome news to tell you." Both girls leant forwards across the table looking at me in anticipation. "I've got a title match tonight!" They both screamed earning a few glances from across the room. "Be quiet I don't want anyone knowing, it'll just start rumours of some sort." They nodded as the two of us began to strike up conversation, catching up with one another.

Somehow, I incredibly won the match, as I walked through the corridor, out of the arena, my case in one hand, and my title safely placed on my opposite shoulder. I walked over to my car, opening up the boot and dropping my bag. I reached up to shut it when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "You didn't tell me you were back." I looked back and saw Brock hugging me tightly. I twirled around so I was facing him, pulling him into a proper hug.

"I'm trying to keep it on the down low, after the so called support I got from people whilst I was gone, I didn't feel like a massive raucous was needed to announce my return." I pulled away from Brock as he looked at my belt.

"Nonsense, I know loads of people who've missed you, but none more so then me. It's so great to see you Britney." I smiled at him, shutting the boot, and leaning against the car.

"I wouldn't be so sure, but I'm champion now, who cares what other people have to say." I raised the belt slightly in the air, as Brock smiled at me.

"You didn't care what people said before you got that belt." I nodded laughing at him.

"That's very true." I replied.

"But in all seriousness, the knee is alright yeah?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm still doing my exercises and I'm spending plenty of time at the Performance Centre getting fit again." A few of the cars drove past us leaving the arena, shouting out their congratulations to me.

"You know if you ever need a gym buddy or someone to help you with anything knee related I'm here don't you?" Brock asked. I smiled in appreciation of his kind gesture, one of the things I had become accustomed to during our friendship.

"Good, because I would hate to see you leave again for such a long period of time." I bit my lip, unsure of how to respond. "I really missed seeing you around, you're one of my few friends here at work."

"Likewise, clearly we are two of the most unpopular superstars here at work." Brock nodded in agreement.

"Definitely, but I wouldn't really want it any other way." I smiled at Brock as he stepped closer towards my leaning figure. I went to take a step back only to realise I would just back into the car further. He looked into my eyes as I looked around uncomfortably. I held myself back with the indent in the car, as Brock leaned forwards, locking his lips on mine. I kissed back for a few moments, then instinct kicked in and I pushed him away.

"Brock.." I said in shock. I wiped my lips, as Brock put his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what took over me." I shook my head.

"No, neither do I." I replied, lifting my belt back up, walking round to the car door, opening it up, jumping into my car and quickly driving off away from Brock, trying to get my head around the situation.

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