Dolph Ziggler/Paige for brandonsnethen

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My name is Brandonsnethen, and I'm happily in a relationship with the WWE diva Paige. She was my world, my everything, but somehow something just didn't feel right. There was always a little part of me which I thought belonged to someone else. As much as I was happy, I just couldn't get my mind of this person. I knew I had to sit Paige down and talk to her. But how?

"Hey babe." My hot sticky mess of a girlfriend walked in looking amazing. She walked over and kissed my cheek, before setting her bag on the coach.

"Hey. Can we talk?" I asked. Her face immediately dropped. "Nothing bad I promise, I just need to talk to you." Paige sat on the sofa, as I did on the other one.

"So what's wrong?" She asked concerned.

"Before I start, just remember that I love you and want to be with you." She nodded cautiously.

"You're beginning to worry me." I sat forward, placing my head in my hands sighing.

"Don't be worried. I just, I still want to be with you and everything, just right now, I've got a few feelings for Dolph. I don't want to be with him or anything like that, but I just wanted to tell you, and didn't want to keep it a secret from you." I looked at Paige for some sort of reaction, but we just sat staring blankly. "Say something." I urged.

"You can't help who you are and who you like sweet. I mean, I'd prefer you didn't like Dolph, but if you do, then that's cool I guess. You still come back to me every night, and I trust you enough to know you would never do anything like that with Dolph whilst you're in a relationship, you're to good to do something like that." I was surprised at how well Paige had taken it. I thought she'd be kicking me out by now, screaming and gathering a crowd because of how much noise there was.

"Thanks for being so understanding cutie. I thought you'd be shouting at me by now. My thing for Dolph is a phase, I get it often. I'm not going to leave you for him or anything, and I definitely wouldn't be doing anything like that with him." I confirmed what she had said in the hope Paige would feel a bit more comfortable around me still, and that I didn't make her feel awkward.

"I understand that you have feelings that's all. Like I said, you can't help who you fall for, and if it's Dolph, I've got to deal with you. I'm not going to shout at you for admitting something to me. Although it isn't what I expected, shouting won't help the situation." I hopped onto the other couch, wrapping an arm around Paige. I kissed the top of her head, as I saw a small smile creep onto her face.

"How did I get so lucky to date a chick like you?" I asked. She sat up, staring into my eyes.

"I ask myself the same question everyday." I felt the butterflies in my stomach, like how I used to feel when we first started dating. I kissed her lightly, thinking about how lucky I truly was, but my mind was still wandering back to Dolph. I was imagining myself running my hands through his hair, even though I was currently cuddling with my girlfriend. "You know, whilst we're admitting things to each other. I used to have a thing for Brie." I was snapped back into reality by Paige.

"Brie Bella isn't bad babe, she is a gorgeous woman." She nodded in reply, yawning, too tired to speak. Her eyes slowly shut, as she relaxed into my shoulder. I pulled the blanket from the top of the couch over her, pulling her jet black hair out from underneath her. "Love you." I whispered, as my own eyes started to droop.


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