Ball Of Bagans ~ Dean Ambrose

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Danielle's POV

Working in the WWE as a backstage interviewer, having to work with Renee Young, and having to see your crush since your czw days were hard.

My life was just one big joke. No one understood me, and literally no one wanted to be my friend. I stood next to Renee practising as she was in conversation with Dean. For the past 2 years she had bullied me into keeping quiet about my crush on Dean, because he was "hers". I dropped the microphone making a small echo of sound waves, bending down and picking it back up. " Do be careful you whale, some of us actually have people to talk to." Renee remarked. Dean stood in the background sniggering. "We don't all bend over every time we see a boy coming our way. Well, we aren't frankly all that desperate."

I stood stunned. How could she say that about me, in front of Dean! I walked away as I heard both of them howling from Renee's apparent attempt at a joke. I ran off into Steph and Hunter's office as I cried a little. "Danielle? Are you okay?" I shook my head as Steph got up pulling me into her for a hug.

"I need time off, I need to go back to Nashville for a while. Clear my head, and sort a few things out that are causing me issues."

"If that's what you want, then we will sign you off for a few weeks." I thanked them walking out to pack my bags and leave.

Renee's POV

I stood backstage with the rest of the WWE team. Danielle was nowhere to be seen, so of course everyone kept asking me where she was. "Fine, if you want to know," I thought of an excuse to make, "she was deemed to fat to work on TV anymore, she's gone."

Danielle's POV

I was at home spending quality time with my autistic son Moxley, who is named after Jon Moxley. I had my brother Zak Bagans off of Ghost Adventures staying with us for a few days. Not many people knew about my son, only Steph, Hunter, my family, and my only friends, Randy and The Bellas. He was special to me, he was what made me stick with my job, so I could support him. My phone vibrated in my pocket, the name Stephanie McMahon, flashed up on the screen so I answered, "hello."

"Danielle, hi, its Stephanie, just to let you know Raw is in Nashville tonight, and we would love for you to make your return. And we would love for your brother to be our guest for the evening. How does that sound?" I gasped in excitement.

"Perfect Steph! Thank you so much."

"Bye." Then she hung up, but I didn't care. I jumped up and down, running around packing all my stuff.

"Zak, you're guest of honour on Raw tonight, so get packed, I need to go to, I'm getting my job back." I took a deep breath as I rambled to myself, picking up Moxley before getting the three of us in the car and driving off.

Seth's POV

I strolled down the corridor, steaming coffee in one hand, phone in the other. I was minding my own business, when I felt something hard hit my leg, making me momentarily lose my balance. I looked down to see a little child sprawled out on the floor struggling to get back up. I put everything down, picking him up and holding him. "Moxley?" I heard someone shout, presuming it was this kids name.

A sweaty Danielle came running towards scooping the kid into her own hands. "Danielle!" I exclaimed lightly pulling her into a side hug. I had liked this chick for awhile, me and Roman had tried to set her up with Dean along time ago.

Danielle's POV

"Would you like to come and sit with us at our table, then we can have a proper catch up?" I nodded in response and Moxley squrimed in my arms. He was a huge Shield fan, and got so giddy when they came on the telly he was uncontrollable. "Who's the little fella, by the way?"

I pretended not to hear him, as he led me over to one of the tables. "Guys this is Danielle and. Moxley." Seth introduced us, as Renee's jaw hit the floor in shock, as did Dean's. Roman got up and shook my hand, as I smiled shyly at him.

"Where's the Bellas little man?" I heard two voices behind me. Moxley must have already noticed because he started clapping in my arms. Brie and Nikki came over giving me a hug.

"What are you doing here Danielle?" Renee asks rather rudely.

"Actually I am here with my brother." The twins got all excited at the thought of Zak.

"Is he still single and ready to mingle?" Nikki asked.

Some things just never change.

Dean's POV

I could see the anger build up in Renee, but I didn't care. I found out the other day that she had used my name to further her career, and to say I was mad was an understatement. Danielle was actually fairly pretty, and her son was just adorable. Renee continuously tried to hook up with me, but I didn't want to worsen my reputation.

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