Photograph ~ Dean Ambrose

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Dean's POV

Flashback - 3 months ago

I'd been away from my girlfriend Renee for quite sometime. I was going to surprise her at our apartment tonight, as we hadn't seen each other for quite a while. I took a stroll up the stairs and towards the front door. "When's Dean home Renee?" I heard a masculine voice in the room.

"Not for another week yet Tom." I heard Renee reply in quite a quiet voice. She had always been quite close to Tom Phillips, but I had to trust that she wouldn't ever cheat on me with him. "But, there is a reason I asked you to come round tonight Tom." I took a step closer, planting my ear against the door. "I love you Tom, not Dean. It's just I'm too scared to tell him."

I couldn't take it anymore, so quickly unlocked the door and stormed in, to see Renee quickly jump off of Tom. Her face was of pure shock, as I ran towards Tom repeatedly punching him, ignoring Renee's screams for us to stop.

That day I vowed never to fall in love again.

Danielle's POV

Flashback - 1 month ago

I had just finished doing a photoshoot for the superstars down at NXT, and was looking forward to spending a lovely night in with my boyfriend Scott. We had always surprised each other with little things which kept the spark in our relationship going. I entered the apartment, and to my surprise saw bright pink clothes strewn all over the floor. I knew immediately that those just could not be mine. I charged in anger towards the bedroom, to see a blonde girl on top of Scott, as I dared think what they were getting up to.

Without thinking, I grabbed a small bag of stuff and stormed out of the house, knowing full well, I would never return again.

And that I would never fall in love again.


I had been asked by Triple H to move up to WWE and start my photography again away from NXT. I had been especially requested to take photos of a new faction called The Shield. I had heard of them as individuals from development, but had no clue how they would together as a three piece. One of them I knew from CZW, Jon Moxley, we used to talk all the time, and I would teach him how to take photos, and he would teach me how to be a wrestler. Maybe, you could say, he was the love of my life.

Well, apart from Scott.

Dean's POV

I hated work. There was no two ways about it. Having to put myself through the pain of seeing Renee and Tom everyday would kill me. The way they would act all lovey dovey, just like we used to do. Sometimes I wish I had a relationship like that, just like the olden days. It would be hard for me to love again, but deep down, I knew, I had no choice but to.

Danielle's POV

I walked down the corridor to where I would meet Dean, and tell him what we would be getting up to today.

"Dean, you are nothing but a street dog. I never really wanted to be with someone like you. Look at the state of you, honestly why would anyone want to truly be with you?" I heard, what sounded like Renee, screaming from inside. I saw her storm out, as I stood in the doorway seeing Dean crying on his hands and knees. I ran over to him, placing my hand soothingly on his back.

"Dean, come on, everything is gonna be okay. Lets sit you down, and maybe we can have a chat aye?" Dean nodded, and sat on the seat next to me.  Had never seen him so emotional, and honestly it hurt me just to see him in this way. I knew it had something to do with a possible breakdown in a relationship.

So I shared. I told him everything, every little detail about me and Scott. And he listened, like no one had ever done before. He cried with me, and smiled with me. And for the first time in forever () I managed to open up to someone, and it felt great.

"Why are you telling me this Danielle? We hardly even know each other." Dena finally spoke, as I looked at him, all my focus on him.

"Because Dean, I don't want to see you be the only one hurt and upset. And as a friend, I want to help you, just like I hope you will help me through my situation." We shared a hug, before sorting ourselves out, so we weren't quite as much of a state and so we looked half decent. All I wanted to do was help him, and who knows where else this could go...?

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