One Big Setup ~ Dean Ambrose

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"Danielle, can you go and clean the weight room please." I frowned at my boss, I was a secretary not a cleaner. But I guess they like to take advantage. I walked up to the big shiny door and pushed it open revealing, John, Randy, and Seth. Brilliant!

They all turned around giving me dirty looks. I sighed as I tried to get on with what I was supposed to be doing. "Look, it's the ugliest girl in the company. Ya know, I know a song about you. U-G-L-Y, you ain't got-" I ran off to the cleaning cupboard before he got the chance to continue, as I felt myself begin to tear up.

Dean's POV

I stood with Renee at the gym as we watched Danielle walk in. Immediately Seth and the rest of the boys started to hate on her. "Maybe we should listen in, in case they say something they shouldn't." Renee suggested. I nodded politely, as I listened to each word closely. Seth started singing the ugly song as Danielle looked away, as if she was about to cry. I then heard Randy shout out,

"Careful Seth, she might eat you!" I sighed at there immaturity.

"I'm gonna go see if she is okay." Renee told me. She walked off as I tried to find away to amuse myself.

Renee's POV

I walked up to Danielle slowly, careful not to scare her, "Are you okay?" I asked sweetly. She looked up at me, her eyes bloodshot and red..

"Yeah, I'm fine thank you." She began to walk off, but I pulled her back.

"How about me and you spend the day together, and you can tell me all about what is going on. I'm a good listener, promise!" She nodded in agreement, as we made our way to where the buses were into town.

Later in the day

After spending a few hours with Danielle she opened up to me quite a bit. She told me how she didn't have many family members, and how she had been on her own practically since she turned sixteen. I concluded that maybe she just needed someone to love her. "You don't have to answer this, but is there someone in your life that you like, or have a bit of a crush on?" She looked down, blushing.

"Don't laugh," I nodded, "but I actually have a big crush on Dean." She looked down ashamed as I gasped with a big grin on my face. This was perfect. "Ever since he was Jon Moxkey, there has been something about him." I smiled at how cute it was, and I knew the perfect way to set them up.


I walked through the halls in search of Roman. He was pretty easy to identify, I asked around, but no one seemed to know where he was. I thought about where I hadn't searched yet, the gym! I skipped over there, and I found him straight away. He was lifting weights and listening to music in his headphones, so I carefully walked over, and then ripped them out. "What!" He exclaimed in his deep voice. He turned round and looked at me, "sorry Renee, I didn't realise it was you. What do you need?"

"Well, I need your help to set Dean up. I went out with Danielle earlier, and she told me how she fancied Dean, and I thought, who else do I go to for help other than Roman." He laughed at my comment.

"How do you know he is interested though?" I thought back to the gym.

"Earlier, right here, some of the boys were having a go at her and he seemed really concerned and worried." He told me he would try with Dean, but couldn't make any promises.

Roman's POV

I walked up to Dean's hotel room knocking loudly on the door. I stood there for a good couple of minutes before he answered the door. "Oh, sorry bro, didn't realise it was you, come on in." I followed him in and sat on his chair beside his bed.

"Right Dean, this may be a bit weird, but answer the question properly. What do you think about Danielle?" He looked down thinking about it, as if he was having to prepare his reply.

"I think she is beautiful Rome. I would love to get to know her, and hang out with her sometime, but I just can't pluck up the courage to ask her out." Dean was such a confident person, how could he not have the balls to ask her out. I texted Renee,

Spoke to Dean and he thinks she is beautiful and would love to go out. Roman x

Renee's POV

I had to think of a pretty big plan to get Danielle and Dean together, so I called for an emergency diva only meeting. We all gathered in my hotel room as I explained the situation. Everyone was eager to play there part as we came up with ideas. We came up with a few, but they didn't seem big enough. "How about we mess up her car, so she has to get a lift with Dean, Renee can catch a lift with me." All the divas nodded at the idea, saying it would be great, and then we will put money forward for any repairs.

Me and Summet snuck out as we slashed her tyres, so she couldn't drive as all four of them were flat. If this didn't get Dean to be nice and talk to her, what would?

Danielle's POV

I walked out to my car to make my way to the arena. I sat in turning the ignition on, but the car just wasn't moving. I got out checking everything over, when I saw the tyres were all flat and ripped. This was just brilliant.

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