Soup On The Side ~ Dean Ambrose

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I sat in the bedroom we shared as my boyfriend Dean struggled to move around out of the bed. He had caught a virus a couple of days ago and was advised to rest up in bed. "CJ! I want to go outside and get out of here." He moaned with his croaky voice. I leaned down and ran my hand through his straggly hair kissing his cheek.

I walked downstairs and made him some soup, got him some pain relief, a hot water bottle and carried them back upstairs. I kicked the door open making him jump. "Sorry babe!" I said as I placed his soup on the cupboard, slowly lifting his shirt up placing the hot water bottle on his cramping stomach. He sighed in happiness as the burning sensation began to calm his stomach. I sat on the edge of the bed. "You've got some soup on the side Dean, I'm gonna be downstairs if you need me." I began walking towards the door.

"No, sweetie, can you stay with me please and cuddle?" I nodded sweetly as he slowly moved his arm inviting me into his chest. He squeezed me tightly as we laid there. "Hang on, what am I gonna do about my soup." He sat up jolting me, as I reached over and got it for him. He sat up as I plumped his cushion back up.

"I'm fine, stop fussing!" He reassured me as I sat at his side as he ate his soup. It was hard seeing your strong partner struggle to do the simple tasks. He finished his soup as I took away and he pulled me back onto his lap. "I know I don't say it much, but I do appreciate all that you do for me. I should be the one looking after you. I love you so much." I looked over at his pale face, running my hand over his cheek, pecking his lips making sure not to get too close. We laid down as I cuddled close to him.

"Don't be silly, I love looking after you, and I love you too Dean. I will happily look after you for the rest of your life, and I hope you feel better soon ." He kissed the top of my head, struggling still to move.

"Thanks baby girl!"

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