London Calling ~ Dean Ambrose

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Danielle's POV

I walked with my one year old son London down the corridor as I prepared for my promo interview in a while alongside my elder brother Randy. I had a job as an interviewer, which wasn't great, especially with my enemy Renee working with me. She had always found some sort of enjoyment in bullying me with Dean and the rest of The Shield. "Danielle!" I turned around and was met by the piercing blue eyes of my brother, as London charged towards him.

"I need to go do something quickly, but I will meet you in catering in about quarter of an hour." I smiled and nodded as Randy took London and I walked towards Steph and Hunter's office. For a while now I had been quite down and low. Most things were getting to me and I was struggling to bring London up myself.

1 and a half months later...

So here I was. I had been told to take some time off, and get myself sorted again. It was exactly what I needed. I hadn't had a day off in a year and this was perfect.

I sat in the hospital room, as the same white walls stared at me. London sat on hos bed, as we were told that there was some special visitors today to the hospital. My time off didn't help me get sorted, and it most definitely hadn't been perfect. Three days into my time off and I had to bring London in, and here he has been ever since.

"Knock knock!" I looked up as Randy walked in and over to London.

"Randy!" I squealed. He walked over giving me a huge hug. "What are you doing here?" He perched on the end of London's bed as he held his hand.

"Well as it goes, WWE superstars are visiting the childrens ward today, so I thought I would pop in and say hi, and play with London for a bit." He picked London up and sat on the floor with him, playing with his Lego.

Renee's POV

Dean, Roman, Seth and myself were on our way to a kid called London's room. I was bored, and really didn't see the point in this. "Who even calls their kid London?" I asked as Roman opened the door. I looked up from my yawn and saw the one person I didn't want to see. You have got to be kidding me!

Danielle's POV

What was she doing here? Out of all the people, and all the superstars, somehow we were paired together. "Randy! How lovely to see you, what a cute kid." She exclaimed with a fake smile. She was purposely ignoring me, but I really didn't care. "Wish I could say the same for you Danielle. You aren't even a diva? You have no right to be here." I looked over at her angrily. I could have beat her up right now, but I couldn't do that in front London.

"Shut up Renee! I am warning you." He stood up in her face, as she sat back down as her lip quivered in fear. Randy sat back down playing with London.

"I think you will find that I am still signed to WWE. I took some time off to look after my son London, if that is alright with you Renee." I stood in front of her trying to come across menacing. She sat back down again, nodding her head in response. Randy got up and walked over to me, holding my hand and leaning her head on my head.

"Calm down Danielle." I nodded and sat down. "I'm gonna go visit my kid that I need to visit. But I will come back down and say goodnight to London. Don't worry about them, if you need me, you know where I am." I nodded as he walked out and London walked over to his little food stash picking out his cookies. Renee turned her nose up at him as he got up and began eating them.

London walked around the room and gave Roman, Seth and Dean a cookie which they gladly excepted. He then walked over to Renee and gave her one, to which she just threw across the room. Dean walked over and picked the biscuit back up. "Stop being a bitch Renee. Now. You need to leave." She walked out with a smug look on her face as she looked me up and down like I was a tramp. He picked the other biscuit up and ate. "Thanks London. These are my favourite biscuits, and now I get two." London laughed at his stupidity, which just made me smile for the first time for ages.

Dean's POV

Roman walked up to Danielle and started making conversation with her. London walked over to Seth and myself carrying his cookies. "Can you keep secret pwease?" He asked in his cute little baby voice. I bent down and reached his level.

"Of course we can buddy, what is it?" He poked Seth's cheek.

"I get special cookies from mama cus I'm good for my treatment. No one else gets.them." He giggled as he ate another one. "Pwomise not to tell. Pinky." We both held our pinkies out as London linked them together smiling. I looked over at Danielle as she smiled at what Roman was saying. I knew from Stephanie that she supposedly had a crush on me, and to be honest, I was beginning to develop a crush on her.


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