Frozen ~ Roman Reigns

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I felt my body shake as we drove to Pensacola in the car. Me and my boyfriend Roman Reigns, you may have heard of him, were going back to his house, as we had a break from WWE. Roman rubbed my leg with his callous hands as he looked over to me and smiled. "So babe, there is someone I would really like you to meet in Pensacola this time." I reached forward and brushed his jet black hair out of his face.

"Oh yeah, and who would that be?" I teased. He grinned as the draft of wind coming through the window, placing his hair back into his face.

"Well, actually, I was thinking after one year together it was time you met Joelle." What!? Is he being serious at the moment. Is this a wind up?

"Rome, I don't know if that is such a good idea. What if she hates me, what if she thinks I am replacing her mother? She's gonna hate me, I know it." He gently squeezed my leg, making me feel a bit more reassured about the situation.

"She is gonna love you! If you happily play dolls and princesses then she will practically count you as her best friend. Honestly, everything will be okay. I will be right next to you, and if you want to leave at any moment we will. Just give it a try, what do you say?" I nodded my head to scared to speak.

So later that day we pulled up outside a big house. I looked up at it, knowing what was inside. I froze as I knew what was about to happen. Roman leaned forward and kissed my cheek. "Remember what I told you. I'm right next to you gorgeous." I got out of the car, breathing heavily as I felt a rough hand intertwine with mine as I began to step forward. Roman stepped forward and rang the doorbell. The butterflies were building in the pit of my stomach. The door swung open and revealed a young girl with her hair plaited into two. She also had a bit of a gappy smile which was cute.

"Daddy!" She squealed running up to him and jumping in his arms. She poked his cheek as Roman gave her a big sloppy kiss on her cheek. To which she just wiped it off. "Who is this lady Daddy?" She looked at me intrigued by meeting a new person.

"Jojo, this is Abi, she is Daddy's girlfriend." She opened her arms and I took her from Roman giving her a hug.

"Do you like princesses?" She asked me ever so sweetly. I looked at Roman as he gave me a look as if to say 'Keep going,'

"I absolutely love princesses. Especially Frozen!" She giggled, getting excited at the mention of Frozen. Maybe the day will not be as bad as I thought.

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