Dolph Ziggler for WWERocksFanfic

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Annabella's POV

Why is it so difficult to love someone? To love someone who is already loved by someone else? Dolph was the one I always wanted, the one person I could always see myself with, but then there was AJ. AJ was the edge between us, she had Dolph, but I wanted Dolph. I always avoided them around the corridors and rooms, the fact that they just constantly kissed and cuddled made me want to be sick and cry. You could say I loved him, I always thought we had some sort of connection, and that him and AJ were never good together, she didn't care like I did, loved him like I did.

I was on my way round to see Summer Rae, when I heard some weird noises coming from my left, it sounded like rustling, but I wasn't completely sure. I knew whatever was happening shouldn't have been happening there, so opened the door, to see someone's hands tangled in blond locks. I looked a little closer, to see AJ wrapped up in Dolph. The door banged behind me, making Dolph snap to look right in my face. All my mind was telling me to do was run.

Dolph's POV

"Annabella..." I whispered, as I saw the pain in her eyes. She looked so hurt, fragile, broken. I couldn't help but feel for her.

"Baby, kiss me." AJ moaned. I unwrapped her hands from around my neck, as pulled away from her. Realism hit me, as I kept imagining Annabella's face at the sight of the two of us together. "Dolph...I need you, c'mon."

"I'm sorry AJ, but I can't do this." I copied Annabella's actions and ran as far away from AJ as I could.

I opened the cupboard door in the room next door and heard quiet sobs coming from inside. I carefully opened the door and saw a little shadow curled up in the back corner. I reached forward gently, running my hand down their arm, as the head lifted up, and I saw Annabella's puffed eyes staring back at me. "Aww sweet." I reached forward pulling her into my body, holding her close.

Annabella's POV

I was wrapped up in Dolph's arms, as I felt a small smile creep onto my face. He kissed the top of my head, calming me. "Annabella, I'm sorry, I love you not AJ, please get with me, I could see the hurt in your eyes." I've never felt so loved in my life, as I wrapped my arms around Dolph's waist. I nodded into his chest in response, to stunned to speak. I couldn't believe that Dolph had left AJ for me.

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