Hugo Knox x Nia Jax for HollyAllysus

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I sat down with Alexa watching Hugo as he walked down the corridor, smiling with Jason and Chad as they headed out to the ring. I zoned out of everything until I heard a small snigger come from the left of me. I looked over to Alexa who had the biggest smirk on her face. "You know, it would be much better if you just told him how you felt." I looked over at her, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Don't be so stupid, I can't tell Hugo how I feel, it will ruin everything." She shook her head laughing at me. "Seriously Alexa, don't talk such nonsense."

"I'm not being silly Nia, to everyone else it is so obvious, you hardly do a good job at hiding it." I blushed slightly as Alexa winked at me.

"Will you please just hush, I'm not speaking to Hugo, Hugo is my best friend. He will remain my friend as nothing is ever going to happen." I jumped off the crate walking over to the monitor to watch his match that was about to begin. Alexa came up sitting beside me, as the American Alpha theme played.

Hugo was eventually tagged in as he bounced around in his polka dot pants. He had come so far over the last couple of months, he had improved greatly spending a lot more time in the ring. "Nia!" Alexa screamed into my ear making me jump. "Look how much focus you have on everything he is doing, you're so in love with him." I turned around looking sternly at her.

"Alexa for real, get over yourself. I'm just watching Hugo wrestle, and trying to do so without getting interrupted." Alexa stood back defensively as I turned my attention back to the match.

The boys ended up getting the victory as I did a little jump in celebration for them all. Alexa smirked over at me, as I pushed her aside walking over to meet the boys as they got backstage. "Nia!" I heard his familiar voice shout as I turned around and saw him walk over to me. I pulled him into a lush sweaty hug, congratulating him on his win.

"You did amazing out there, you looked ripped too." He ran his hand down his sweat layered abs.

"Thanks babe!" He replied making me giggle lightly. I felt Alexa poke my side, swatting her hand away and grinning back over at Hugo.

"I've got to go and shower, but I'll catch up with you soon yeah?" He walked off down the corridor as I nodded back at him, watching him walk away, his tights making his behind look incredible.

"Shut your mouth Nia, you'll catch flies." I quickly put my hand over my mouth, turning around to face her. "Please just tell Hugo, just put everyone else out of their misery." I sighed.

"Tell Hugo what?" I turned around quickly to see Hugo stood back where he just was, scratching his head awkwardly.

"Oh, well Alexa was just saying-" I started until she pushed me aside.

"Nia has something she'd like to say." I mentally cursed at her as Hugo smiled over at me. Alexa walked off as I stared down at the ground.

"So what was it you wanted to say?" We walked over sitting down on two crates opposite each other.

"Alright, as long as you promise me that what I say won't change anything between the two of us." Hugo nodded over at me.

"Of course it won't Nia, you're beginning to scare me a bit."

"Trust me, however scared you are, I am much more scared." I took a deep breath looking down to the floor. "I'm just going to come out and say it. I really like you Hugo, you're so handsome, kind, funny." I felt him reach over, taking my hand in his, averting my gaze back up to him.

"Do you know how happy that makes me to hear you say that. I really like you too Nia, your drive, beauty, dedication and determination are all part of the reason why you're perfect to me." I blushed slightly, a wave of relief washing over me. "You can breathe you know, you've done the hard bit." I let out a massive sigh, as Hugo came over to sit right next to me. I felt his finger place on the bottom of my chin, lifting my face up to look into his eyes. He slowly started to lean in, so I followed his lead, shutting my eyes and leaning in when I felt his lips on mine. The kiss was slow, but so passionate as he placed his hand on my cheek. It felt like an eternity until we heard a cough behind us.

"What do we have here?" We turned around to see Alexa with a very accomplished look on her face. "Are you two together?" She asked. Hugo nodded as I smiled over at her.

"Not officially we aren't." Hugo smiled over at me, looking into my eyes.

"We could be official, how about a date tonight once I'm changed?" I happily nodded as he jumped down to walk away kissing my forehead. Once he was out of view I jumped down hugging Alexa tightly.

"Just call me cupid." She joked as I high fived her.

"I guess I have to thank you now for setting us up."

"No, don't be silly, all in a days work for cupid." She teased, giving me another hug, as I hugged her tightly back.

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