Incidental Love ~ Dean Ambrose {Part 3}

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Danielle's POV

"I don't know Dean. He just had this sort of power over me and..."

Jack's POV

I stood behind the door and listened to Danielle tell Dean how horrible and nasty I was. She had me completely wrong, she was the bitch, the one who was uncontrollable. I brought her back down to earth before her ego exploded. She slagged me off to Dean as I heard her telling Dean about all the bruises on her body which she is saying of from me. She'll pay for this eventually.

Dean's POV

I listened to every word she said, but after awhile I was kind of beginning to switch off, so I did the first thing I could and kissed her, she immediately kissed back, but I pulled away in case the boys walked in. "Come out with me tonight." She looked at me stunned but agreed to anyway.

"Like a date?"

"It can be, only if you want it to be." She nodded and I kissed her again quickly.

Danielle's POV

I got myself ready for my date, pulling my dress down slightly, applying another thin layer of lipstick. I heard a knock at the door and ran to open it expecting to see Dean. Wasn't I wrong? Jack. He pinned me against the wall kicking my stomach before roughly beginning to kiss me. "You made a big mistake Danielle." He picked me up carrying me into the front room slamming me onto the floor. I felt him rip my dress, as he started to get in my face. I tried everything in my power to get him to stop but he kept doing what he wanted, and he only ever wanted one thing. And I didn't.

I heard the door fly open, as Jack got up and ready to attack whoever was coming into my home.

Dean's POV

I ran into the front room and speared Jack into the wall, dragging him by his hair and throwing him into another room, making sure it was locked. I ran back indoors and ran to Danielle who was crying on the floor. I saw the rips in her dress and gentle tried to pick her up so I could hold her. Please tell me he didn't. I took my jacket off, grabbing my phone and handed it to her. "Put my jacket on darling. It's gonna be okay, I'm here." I left the room quickly and rang the police.

After about quarter of an hour the police showed up and quickly took Jack away. I texted Seth giving him Danielle's address, so Roman, Seth, Steph and Hunter showed up with the car park footage giving it to the police.

I sat back down with Danielle, and pulled her into my chest. "Dean..." she whimpered, "I'm sorry for ruining our date tonight."

"It doesn't matter, now go upstairs and pack all your stuff for me please." She slowly got up and walked up the stairs with a sad expression on her face. The police left with Jack and all the evidence, including the red book Renee gave me.

I helped Danielle back downstairs with all her bags and got her in my car. "Where are you taking me?" I reached for her hand running my thumb along it.

"You're living with me now, where I can keep an eye on you 24/7." She giggled leaning over and kissing my cheek. And that is what I did.

8 months later...

Me and Danielle got married last month in Hawaii, and tonight we had a storyline in the ring, but we weren't told what we had to do. Roman, Seth and myself stood in the ring staring off with Evolution. I looked to my left to see Roman fall to the ground as Seth hit him with a steel chair. I froze as I looked at my brother I so much pain. I was oblivious to what Seth was doing, until I was snapped back to reality when Seth began beating me up.

Danielle's POV

I helped Dean back into the dressing room holding plenty of ice packs for him. He laid down as I knelt down next to him. "Its not all bad Dean, there is some good things about today." He looked at me like I had gone crazy,

"How's that then? Because I don't think anything can change how I feel right now."

I stroked the side of his face, "how about if I told you I was pregnant?" He started at me bewildered as I smiled down at me.

"Seriously," I nodded my head and he pulled me into a enormous hug. "I can't believe it, we're gonna be parents."

8 months later...

Danielle gave birth to a gorgeous little girl who we named Madison, or Maddy for short. Danielle laid on my chest as Maddy fell asleep in her cot. "Thank you for protecting me Dean, and allowing me to fall in love again." I lifted her face up as she stared straight into my eyes.

"You never have to thank me, you've completed me, so thank you."

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