Buddy Murphy for MeganUrza

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Being the newbie sucked, luckily for me, my best friend Bayley was happy to show me around the area. I was clueless as to where to go, but she was constantly reassuring me that I would be fine. Everywhere looked so much bigger then what I was used to. It took a while for me to take in my surroundings. The place was lovely, with equipment for everything. "So here is where the rings are."

I looked out to see four rings, set up the proper way, in sections of a huge room. "Wow." It took my breath away how amazing this facility truly was.

"Ace isn't it." I looked to see a few people I recognised like Samoa Joe, and Tyler Breeze. They were all working around the ring doing different exercises. "Then if we go this way, I'll show you to the weights room."

We arrived in a slightly smaller room full of different weights and weight machines. "This is like a dream." I didn't quite know what to say, I was just so mesmerised.

"It certainly is." I saw Carmella doing some work with dumbbells. Whilst I was looking at her, I imagined myself doing that.

The next room we went to was full of ten treadmills. "Oh no." I looked onto one of the treadmills, and saw a familiar face running on it.

"What? What's wrong?" Bayley looked concerned at me.

"I know him. That's Buddy, I used to go to high school with him." Bayley was laughing at me rather loudly, making him quickly look over at us. I looked down hoping he didn't notice me.

"Megan?" I looked up with a fake smile, and saw him walking over to us. I could see a smile on his face too, but only his seemed genuine. "I can't believe it's you." He took his headphones out to be a bit more polite.

"Hi Buddy. It's been a long time." Bayley walked off from us, to give us a bit more space. "How are you?"

"I'm good. I've been down here for quite a while. You look well." I didn't know why he wanted to make such an effort with me now, especially considering how vile he was to me back in high school.

"Why are you being nice?" I was so puzzled as to why he wanted to try and look like my friend. My mind was telling me it was something to do with looking popular around his colleagues and peers.

"Can't a man make an effort?" I struck a nerve with Buddy, bringing up high school. It was right before we left, that he tried to apologise to me, but I just couldn't accept it, no matter how much I tried.

"An effort which should have been made years ago?" I pushed.

"Yeah, I know Megan. I wanted to come and apologise to you, but I just didn't have the guts to." Really, after all this time I wanted to become friends with Buddy again. I wanted to try and talk to him, keep in contact.

Some part of me liked him, I don't know what, I don't know how. There was something about Buddy which always got me excited, but I just couldn't tell him. He'd never understand.

Buddy's POV

I was so excited to see Megan again. I missed her, I never realised it before, but I certainly did now. "Anyway, I should get back to my workout." I don't know why I said that, but I could feel myself going weak at the knees, and needed to get out of the situation fast.

"Yeah, well, I need to go find Bayley." She said awkwardly. She pointed over to where Bayley was standing with Charlotte.

"Yeah well, I'll see you around then if you're gonna be here more permanently." I smiled happily at Megan.

"Yeah, see you around Buddy." She walked away, looking as flawless as ever. Her purple hair flowed perfectly down her back, and although she was small, she sure knew how to grab someone's attention. I felt a smile on my face as I remembered all of our previous memories we had shared. I never stopped liking Megan, it was only now I realised how much. Trouble was, I could never tell her really how I truly felt.

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