Proud As Punch ~ Roman Reigns

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Wrestlemania. A day every single superstar loved. Well, apart from me. I was so nervous you just wouldn't understand. My husband Roman was in a match against Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship tonight, and although he was fine, I was absolutely terrified. "Are you still worrying about tonight Lucy?" I turned around and was met by a pair of muscular arms around my waist.

"I just don't want to see you disappointed if you don't win tonight. You never know with Paul Heyman by his side. They're so unpredictable that we don't know if you're gonna win or lose. And if you do lose, I don't want to have to pick up the pieces when you're sad and won't talk to me." He kissed my cheek reassuringly.

Roman had this weird power where just his touch made me feel so much calmer about tonight.

"If I lose, I'll pick me head up and try again. You have nothing to worry about win or lose. Just make sure you support me with the rest of the divas please." I nodded as my emotions overcame me.

Tears streamed down my face, as Roman wiped them away. "What's getting you upset sweetheart?"

"Its just that you've been here 2 and a bit years, and you're already headlining Wrestlemania, and it makes me so proud beyond belief. I mean wrestlers dream of what you've achieved and to do it in such a short space of time is extroadinary." Roman laughed pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sure others have done it before me, but thank you Lucy. You never know, one day it could be you, especially now we have #GiveDivasAChance." His comment made me giggle. Both Roman and myself were both well aware, headlining Wrestlemania was something I was never going to do. "Anyway I need to go, see you later." I pulled him in for a good luck kiss, before running off to find the girls.

Skip to match...

I sat with Natalya, Brie, Nikki, Naomi, Alicia, Paige and Emma as the crowd were on the edge of their seats, as the main event was about to start.

"And introducing first, the challenger. From Pensacola Florida, weighing in at 265 pounds, Roman Reigns!" The crowd gave him the biggest cheer of the night. I could see his face light up, as he flipped his luscious jet black locks back.

They had been going at each other for a good 15 minutes, and there had been multiple F5's and spears performed but neither managed to get to the count of three. Brock was beginning to tire, which gave Roman the push he needed. I hadn't spoken to any of the girls yet, as I had my full concentration on the match.

Roman did his signature growl for the fifth time, as the crowd joined in. I had a feeling in my stomach, that this would be the one to nail him. He fell to the floor, hooking his arm under Brock's legs. I scootched to the edge of my seat as the divas began to scream.


He'd done it!

All the girls quickly jumped on me, congratulating me on his success. It took a few minutes for it to really hit me, but when it did, I couldn't contain myself. " Lucy you must be so proud!" Nattie said. I practically jumped into her arms as the divas continued to scream. I looked at the screen and saw Roman running up the ramp. I ran out the room and to the gorilla post.

Everyone cheered, as I saw him walk around the corner, the belt in his hand. I immediately without thought ran up to him and jumped at him, kissing his face passionately. "I'm so proud of you, I can't believe you've don't it Roman." He put me down wrapping his free arm around me.

"I've only done it with your support Lucy. You've stuck by me through everything. I couldn't have done it without you. I literally can't believe it." We walked down to our changing room to sort ourselves out. "I'm World Champion." He yelled making me squeal in delight for the both of us. "I love you Lucy."

I twirled around falling into his arms like what happens in the movies. "I love you too."

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