Sheamus for TheRavenclawAntiDiva

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"Do I really look stupid?" I looked up from reading the latest Cosmopolitan magazine, laying on my hotel bed. My boyfriend was running his hand through his ginger hair, as I put the magazine down.

"No, of course you don't look stupid." The comment was out of the blue, so I struggled to wonder where that has come from.

"You're just saying that." He replied, as I swear I saw a couple of tears in his eyes. Sheamus was strong, and recently he had been receiving a lot of stick about the way he looked after changing his style.

I could see him looking at me through the reflection looking for some sort of reassurance. I stood up, wrapping an arm around him. "If I was just saying it, would I be here with you right now. Would I be in a relationship with you, would I cuddle up to you every night?"

"No." I knew straight away I'd proved him right, and that he wasn't happy in accepting that.

"Exactly." I grabbed his hand dragging him down to the bed, sitting him down beside me, resting my legs on his lap. "Who really cares what other people think of you? Your family still see you as the same, I still see you as the same, your friends still see you as the same." I had to get through to him somehow that the opinion of those he didn't value was not worth it.

"How come you're always right?" He teased. I kissed his nose, running my hand through his plaits of facial hair. I heard a small giggle come from him, which made me smile.

"I'm a girl, I'm always right." We looked into each others eyes, completely in the moment of our heart to heart.

"I always ask myself how lucky I am to have you." I kissed his forehead, as I moved my head into the crook of his neck, wrapping an arm around his torso for support.

"I ask myself the exact same question babe." He suddenly pulled me down onto the bed making me squeal in surprise. "I ask myself how I managed to get such a beautiful, handsome, strong man, with the most perfect Irish accent."

"Victoria, you're making me go all soppy, I'm a wrestler for crying out loud, I can't be seen crying." He lifted me up in the air like a feather, moving backwards so his head was resting on one of the pillows.

"We can't have a crying wrestler now, can we?" I roughed his hair back up, as all the volume had been lost when he moved.

"No, I've got to keep some dignity." I snuggled further into his side for comfort and protection.

"You lost all your dignity years ago sweet." He gave me a stern look, I knew he didn't mean it, but I couldn't help but laugh and not take him seriously at all.

"I'm so pleased I have such a supportive girlfriend." I looked up at him, a huge cheesy grin on my face.

"You love me." I winked at him, kissing him on the lips.

"That I do." He replied sweetly

A/N- I've started a new NXT imagines book, but I need some requests to get me started, so if you want one, read the book to find out how

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