Interchanging Paths ~ Dean Ambrose {Part 2}

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Dean and myself were sat backstage together, after just defeating Seth and Nikki in a mixed tag match. We were both rather pleased with ourselves, and to be honest, we were getting a lot closer now. Of course we were going to have a few issues, but we were slowly working through them. "You did amazing out there today Jas, who knew we could be such a good team after all." Dean remarked making me blush.

"Yeah I guess." I replied, rather nervously. I was always quite shy, but I had always been quite confident around Dean, as a wall. To make myself untouchable. "Its weird though, I mean how close we have become as an onscreen power couple." Dean nodded in agreement. I sat down with a bottle of water in my hand, when there was a knock at the door. "Come in." I yelled.

Mark, one of the creative writers came into our dressing room, with two pieces of paper in his hand. "Dean, Jasmin, great job out there, but we want for you guys to do a little bit more tonight. We want for you to promo out in Seth's match. And kiss." Me and Dean both stared at each other blankly. Somehow, I always knew something like this would happen. That's what always happens. Mark placed the papers down on the table, and walked out as my jaw remained wide open in shock.

Later on in the night, Seth had just won his match against Kane, and Dean and myself had to go out onto the main stage, and basically shout at Seth as to how undeserving he was. Dean's music blared out into the arena, as I ran my fingers through my brown hair, grabbing his hand tightly. We stood strong at the stage, as Seth stared us down from the ring. I felt a tremble in my body, as the nerves kicked in.

"Nice to see you've brought your lap dog with you tonight Ambrose. I mean, the fact you have to bring a little squinny out to assist you, really does speak volumes." Although this was scripted and fake, Seth's words still hit me quite hard.

"That's a bit rich don't you think Dean, I mean you've brought dumb and dumber to assist you. At least I can stand up for myself, I mean first you use me and Roman, then Kane and Randy, and now J and J security. I mean are you just not able to stand on your own two feet? Are you just that weak?" Seth pumped his chest, as Jamie and Joey calmed him down.

"You're just jealous Seth." I tore the microphone out of Dean's grasp, yelling into it myself. "You have two followers, who are only with you for the money, when Dean can get all of this." I turned him around, and planted a huge kiss on his lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, to deepen things, before taking his hand and dragging behind the gorilla, Seth kicking and screaming in the middle of the ring. As soon as we were out of sight, I let go of Dean.

"Wow, Jasmin that was amazing. Hands down the best kiss of my life." Dean remarked. I stared at him, as he wiped my lipgloss from his lips.

"Dean, it was staged remember. Fake. Planned." Dean almost looked kind of sad, when I reiterated to him that it wasn't a proper kiss.

"I wish it was." He whispered, presuming he thought I wouldn't have heard him.

"What was that?" I pushed.

"I wish it was a real kiss Jasmin. I know we are a power couple, but I want to be a real couple. I know I was pretty horrible to you, and that we didn't always see eye to eye. But working with you, has completely changed my opinion of you. I'm falling for you. Hard." I turned Dean around so he was facing me.

"You've changed my opinion of you too y'know. And if I have to be completely honest, as much as it pains me to say it, I'm falling for you too Dean, and have been for quite a long time now." Dean looked at me stunned, before pulling me in for our first real kiss. It was slow, and loving, and most definitely meaningful.

"I think we should celebrate, to my beautiful girlfriend, and WWE's greatest ever power couple." Dean whispered in my ear.

"Who said anything about me being your girlfriend?" I challenged. Dean sighed, making me chuckle lightly.

"Do I really have to ask?"

"Of course not Dean, I'll always be yours forever now."

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