Chad Gable Part 2 for ClaudiaSAW

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Then he realised he really fells in love with his long time friend. But there's a roadblock... His present life.

Slowly over the time the heart and your head learns to move on from life's regrets and mistakes, and none more so then Chad. However hard you try to fight it back you can never forget the times that were shared. Over time you settle back into the old times, the good times. As we started to see each other more and more at work everything started to fall back into place. Whilst things could never be the same, our lives had moved on, there would always be some sort of connection between us.

Earlier on in the day I had met up with Dolph Ziggler who had become quite a close friend of mine who asked me to meet him later on that evening. I went down to his locker room, to find him. The door was open as he sat down cleaning his wrestling boots. I knocked twice walking in and sitting down beside him. "You wanted to talk?" I asked.

"Yeah...look...the thing is, I was kind of wondering if you wanted to go out on a date sometime?" Dolph stared at me, pressurising me with his eyes to respond. Thousands of thoughts quickly flew around in my mind, what about Chad? Dolph's track record? My relationships at work? But what about me? My happiness.

"Yeah, why not." Dolph smiled over at me, giving me a quick hug. "I'm really sorry but I've got to head back out, I'll catch you in a bit." He ran out waving at me as I took a deep breath, walking out of the room.

I ended up sat at the canteen, my usual hangout when I was completely lost at work. I grabbed my phone from inside of my bag, looking through social media.

"Look at you sat all by yourself." I looked up to see Chad grinning in front of me. He sat down in front of me looking up at me. "I can tell when something good has happened, what's going on with you?" I couldn't help but smirk over at him.

"So, Dolph asked me out on a date!" I giggled as I looked at Chad for his reaction. He didn't look quite as pleased, his mouth turning into a frown, his arms moving up onto the table, crossed.

Chad's POV

"So, Dolph asked me out on a date!" I looked at the delight in her eyes, her words slightly tugging at me. Whilst we were nowhere where we used to be, she was still my Claudia, and I didn't want to see her taken by anyone else. I considered Dolph to be one of my closest friends, but then he had done this. "Chad?"

I looked across at her. "Oh, yeah that's great, good for you!" I said bitterly. I couldn't help but hate the smile that was on her face, she was so excited for this date, but inside it broke me. But why? I was with Kate, I was happy with Kate, I had moved on with my life, grown up, but there would always be Claudia.

"Thanks, I'm so nervous, what do I wear? I don't even know where we're going?" She sat across from me all flustered, getting herself in a panic.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it will all be fine. Dolph will let you know soon enough." I sat back, part of me wanting to just walk away, the other part of me wanting to hold onto her, and the things she said, the little details that had been gone from my life for so long.

"So, what about you, is Kate coming to see you soon?"

"Yeah, she's coming tomorrow actually."

Claudia's POV

"Oh, that's awesome, I can't to meet her," I lied. No part of me wanted to meet the woman who in many ways was my replacement, I didn't want anything to do with her, to see her, or speak to her.

I sat down on my bed later on in the day, checking myself in the mirror, touching up my make up and straightening out my dress. Dolph told me he was taking me to one of the restaurants nearby and to dress up semi smart. In less then five minutes he was going to be knocking on the door, to take me down into the lobby and out to dinner. I checked my bag one last time when I heard four quiet knocks on the door. I opened it up to see Dolph stood in a suit, smiling down at me. "You look amazing!" He said, making me smile.

"Thanks, you don't scrub up too bad yourself." He offered me his arm which I wrapped mine around, walking out of the door.

Chad's POV

"Babe I'm here now, I'm stuck at the airport, there are no taxis around, no lifts, I need you to come and pick me up." I could hear the frustration in Kate's voice as I scrambled my thoughts together to think of some way to solve this. Kate relied heavily on public transport, I couldn't drive.

"Don't worry, I'll sort it, give me half an hour and I'll be there." I ended the call, running round my hotel room and down to the lobby. Surely there would be someone from the company there who could perhaps give me a lift. I walked down, looking around, when I saw Dolph and Claudia all dressed up, ready to leave for their date. Perfect. "Claudia!" I shouted making her turn around.

"What do you want Chad? I'm kind of busy." I looked at Dolph who was glaring at me, bawling his spare fist that wasn't wrapped around Claudia.

"It's an emergency, please I need you to take me to the airport now."

Claudia's POV

As much as I obviously wanted this date with Dolph, Chad was my best friend. I was so conflicted in what to do, looking between the two guys for some sort of sign. I sighed, eventually looking up at Dolph. "I'm really sorry but I can't leave Chad like this, another time though yeah?" Dolph sighed, removing his arm from me.

"Yeah," he muttered walking off. I opened up my bag, grabbing my keys and walking to the car park. "You want to tell me what's going on?"

"Kate has arrived early, I needed to pick her up from the airport." I stopped, looking over at him in shock.

"That's it? I cancelled my date for Kate."

"Claudia please, just do this for me, one time." I carried on walking, getting in the car, and slamming the door, turning the engine on and pulling out onto the roads.

As I was driving I saw Chad pull out his phone, raising it to his ear. "Hello,,,yes,,,I'm coming now...Claudia's coming to pick you up...yes she's my just a friend...Kate, just appreciate the lift...I'll be there in a bit...bye." He sighed throwing his phone down on the seat, staring out of the window.

"Trouble in paradise?" I asked.

"Shut up." He grunted.

Chad's POV

"Just a friend? You sure?" I couldn't quite believe that Kate had even suggested such a thing between me and Claudia, whilst I loved Claudia, I was a married man. In moments like these your mind cannot help but come up with all different scenarios, which lady was better? Who was the nicest, the prettiest, the more honest? I looked over at Claudia as she focused on the road, and I couldn't help but smile. Despite being a giant pain sometimes, she truly was the most important person in my life. The way her dimples slightly showed as she concentrated, or her striking jawline, everything about her was perfect, and I was a fool to walk away from that.

"We're here." Claudia told me, as I got out of the car, waving over to Kate, grabbing her case and putting it in the boot. I walked forwards, going to get back in the front seat.

"Aren't you going to sit in the back with me? I am your wife." I sighed stepping back and getting in the back of the car. Part of me wanted to sit in the front with Claudia, block out Kate, who I could already tell was in a foul mood, which I wasn't in the mood to deal with. I looked at Kate, then back at Claudia when everything finally fell into place. I was in love with Claudia, and I couldn't deny it, but looking down at the ring of my finger, I knew that those feelings were never going to be able to come to anything.

"Try and put a smile on your face Chad," I saw Claudia smiling through the mirror. I smiled over at her, poking my tongue.

"He is smiling sweetie, she's with me!" I turned to Kate who snapped back at Claudia. I stared a Kate, shaking my head, realising what a mistake I had made all those years ago.

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