Jeff Hardy Part 2 for SieraSmith6

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There is a part 1 to this so if you haven't read it already I advise you do before you read this.


I looked across the table to see Jeff blushing. I didn't quite know how to react so just smiled at him. "Is that so?" I asked.

"Maybe," he barely said. I got up out of my seat, offering my hand for Jeff to take.

"Maybe we should go and talk." He got up, grabbing my hand as we walked out of the catering and to the exit of the arena so we could sit outside on one of the benches.

We walked for a while when we saw a spare bench where the little river was that ran around the arena. We both sat down, neither of us wanting to be the first to talk. "So..." I looked over at Jeff who now couldn't even look at me, he just stared out on the water, kicking his legs off the bench. "Maybe you should start."

"Fine. I know what your sister said earlier was true I just didn't want to tell you in that way." He looked down at the ground and his feet, scuffing them on the floor.

"I don't think she meant to do it in spite." I defended.

"She's always had a problem with Matt, and he's my brother." I sighed at him, his words not really what I was hoping he would say.

"Can we just not talk about my sister and your brother?" I asked. He looked up at me and nodded. "So what were you going to say before you went off topic?"

"I do really like you Siera and I know that we've know each other for like no time at all, but there is something about you that makes me feel so strange. So confused." Jeff still refused to look at me as I looked into his eyes as he spoke.

"Is that why you were so shy when we first met?" I saw a little shade of red grow on his cheeks. "Oh my, it was!" I couldn't help but giggle at him as he smiled over at me.

"Shh, I couldn't help it." He fell back on the bench in embarrassment.

"Why couldn't you help it?" I pushed. He sat back upright, moving further up the bench to sit right by my side.

"That's obvious. You're beautiful." It was my turn to blush as he finally looked over at me properly. I smiled as I looked into his eyes.

"Stop," I whispered, hiding my face in my hands. I felt his two hands grab mine, seeing his tattoo down his arm.

"Don't hide," he told me. His strength meant he managed to pull my hands away. His eyes found mine, both of us smiling. He let go of one of my hands, lightly placing it on my cheek. His thumb brushed over it a couple of times, as he started to lean in. His eyelids fluttered shut as I did the same. Our lips finally joined together, connecting in perfect sync. With my spare hand I held his face, kissing him passionately a couple of times. I eventually pulled away, moving my hand away.

"Wow," I exclaimed, my heart beat picking up a little.

"Wow indeed," he agreed. He turned back around so the two of us were looking down at the river. I felt his hand land on top of me, his fingers intertwining with mine. We looked out at the calm waves in a comfortable silence for a short while.

"Maybe we should head back in, the guys will be wondering where we are." I looked up at Jeff, who stood up and pulled me up into his arms. I briefly hugged him, then grabbed his hand walking back in.

"They're probably waiting to head to the hotel." I said. We walked back in finding them sat at the same table they were at when we left.

"Aww look, they're holding hands." We both looked down realising we were still gripping each other, quickly letting go and stepping apart. "Don't pretend guys," my sister told us. "Are you two an item now?" I looked at Jeff who looked at me.

"Kind of." Jeff spoke first.

"What do you mean kind of?"

"He means not officially yet." I interjected, correcting Jeff and my sister.

"Are you going to become official?" She pushed, putting Jeff under a small amount of pressure.

"Yeah, maybe we'll save that for the hotel." He said winking, grabbing my hand as we sat back down.

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