My One Inspiration ~ Randy Orton

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This was it, a brand new start. A chance to really make a statement and show the world who Adriaan Brooks really was. I was set to make my WWE debut tonight against Nikki Bella. I was so excited, and all the divas had been so sweet. A few superstars had chatted to me, and lets be honest, they were hot!

"Adriaan, are you ready?" A member of crew came up to me, as I watched the Bellas doing their promo. I nodded as I took a deep breath in trying to compose myself. This was my one opportunity to finally stand on my own two feet.

My music blared out into the arena as I walked out with a microphone in hand. The crowd immediately cheered, recognising me from NXT. The smile on my face was evident as I walked down the ramp and into the ring, as we squares off for the first time. "Oh look its another newbie trying to steal the Bellas spotlight." The crowd booed Nikki, as I smiled at all their support.

"A newbie, who wants to take your title you are so undeserving of away from you Nikki." I spat. I got a huge rush of adrenaline from being out in front of such a huge crowd.

"Fine! Let's go, right now Adriaan, me and you." We shook hands, before Lillian made the announcement of a title match to the audience. The bell rang, as I felt like I had just had my wrestlemania moment.

After 5 minutes of a pretty even fight, and a few attempts of twin magic, I hit Nikki with an Irish wrip, knocking Brie off of the apron and hitting Nikki with my signature move, a bit like Naomi's rear view. I cralwed over her body, urging the referee to start counting. 1...2...3 I'd done it! I was the new divas champion. On my first night. I couldn't believe it as the Bellas stared at me stunned. I quickly ran backstage, so I didn't face any backlash from an after match attack.

"Excuse me, Adriaan?" I heard a deep voice behind me, and turned around to be met by the Appex Predator himself Randy Orton. I couldn't believe it as I stumbled back. He caught me in his arms, making me blush so hard. My cheeks must have been like two strawberries, as I looked up at him. I felt myself kinda staring at him. "I just wanted to say, your match out there, it was amazing." My blush got even harder.

"Um...thanks Randy. I've taken quite a bit of inspirarion from you ya know." It was now his turn to blush, as I released myself from his grip.

"Well, I'm truly flattered. Maybe you could show me how much inspiration you've taken from me, and allow me to take you out after the show tonight. I mean being a newbie of course, maybe it will be good for you to have a few familiar faces." I nodded smiling at his very kind offer.

"Yeah, that sounds good, see you later then Randy."

3 years later...

After that night, me and Randy got pretty close. So close, we even got together. 3 years we've been together, and 2 we have bee married. I lost my divas championship to Natalya, but for a legend like that to take my title, I really don't care. Today was our wedding anniversary, and to surprise Randy I had a little envelope with something very special inside of it. He came down the stairs, pecking my cheek, walking into the kitchen, grabbing the envelope. He sat down in the opposite seat, opening it up.

I studied his face, as his jaw dropped in surprise. "Pregnant?" He queried. I cralwed over to him, placing myself snuggly on his lap. "Are you serious?" I nodded.

"Yeah, we are having a baby." He giggled, pulling me even tighter into him. "You're gonna be a dad Randy." I smiled.

"I can't believe it, I'm gonna be a dad. I have to tell my dad, he's gonna be so happy right now. I don't even know what to do, what if I'm rubbish-" I cut him off from blabbering.

"Randy,shut up. You're gonna be an amazing father, and our kid is gonna be so lucky to have you to look up to. Don't worry about a thing, we're gonna be just fine." He nodded in response, before we shared a long kiss, as we both smiled, and we couldn't be happier.


A/N- So I have started a tumblr account, so inbox me or comment me your accounts and I'll follow you of course, and my account is... wantedbyambrose

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