Randy Orton for gatthhbfbg

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It was a cold night, and I was laying under the duvet, snuggling into my boyfriend of six months as we tried to warm each other up. Randy was my first serious boyfriend, we hadn't done much. I was scared. I didn't want to be made to feel uncomfortable, I knew Randy would never do that to me, but you always here stories, and you just never know.

Thirst was taking over me, as my mouth was drying up. As much as I didn't want to leave Randy's grasp, I was really needing to grab a drink. I wriggled out of his grasp, "I'm getting a drink." I whispered, kissing his shoulder softly. I got out of the room, and went down into the kitchen. As I reached up to grab a glass out of the cupboard, I felt someone's lips lock onto my neck. I felt a hand going up my top, and another hand fiddling with the hem of my trousers. I turned around and saw Randy with a nasty smirk on his face. My heart rate was beginning to pick up, I knew what Randy wanted, but I just wasn't ready. I didn't know what to do exactly, so quickly ducked out from him, and ran upstairs.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered, quickly throwing a few things into a bag. I needed to get away, I couldn't do this. As much as I wanted to be with Randy, I couldn't do what he wanted. Randy barged into the room, so I threw my bag so he couldn't see it.

"What was that about Tess?" He asked, stepping forward towards me. I stepped back, sitting on the bed. I couldn't speak to him and tell him what was wrong, so instead I crawled into bed, moving as far away from his side as possible, turned over, and fell asleep.

Over the next couple of days, me and Randy did not speak one word. I didn't know what to say and in the end he just gave up. We would sit in awkward science, day in, day out. I was sat in our bedroom, away from him on my phone. I thought back to all the amazing times we'd had on that bed, snuggling into each other. I felt a hot tear roll down my face, I wiped it away, as another, then another rolled down my cheek.

Before I knew it, I was an emotional wreck, I couldn't contain my emotions any longer, I was at breaking point. I looked up and saw Randy stood in the doorway. I turned away from him as I heard his footsteps come closer to me. "What's going on sweet? You can tell me you know, I'm not going anywhere." I rolled over, as he laid down next to me, moving his hand into mine.

"I've just never done it, and I'm scared. I don't want it to hurt, I don't want to have to deal with the pain. You hear all these things, and I'm just worried." Randy placed his hand on my cheek, turning my head so we were looking at each other.

"You could've just said. If you were uncomfortable I would have stopped, I'd never want to cause you any pain or suffering. I want to see that beautiful smile that made me fall for you. Promise me, you'll tell me if you feel this way." Randy kissed my forehead reassuringly, as I moved my body closer to his.

"I promise." I felt his other hand wipe under my eyes as the tears finally stopped.

"At least we don't have to be in this stupid silence any longer, it was killing me." I giggled.

"Me too." I agreed, pulling the duvet up and over the two of us. "I'm sorry Randy."

"You don't have to apologise, I just wish next time you tell me that you feel that way." I nodded leaning up to his head height and kissing his lips softly. I snuggled my body into his side, wrapping an arm around his muscular torso, as I realised that Randy would truly never hurt me, or cause me any discomfort. He cared, which was something so few people had ever done before. 

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