Enzo Amore for You_Cant_Teach_That

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Real Name: Jay Gonzales

Details: She has greenish grey eyes, caramel complexion, long light brown hair, and a tattoo on her torso of a heart

The first three hours are silent and awkward, and then they burst into loud arguments. Sooner or later, they're pulled over on the side of the road making out, and finally realize how much each means to the other

I watched as Enzo walked past in the corridor with Cass. I glared at him as he turned his nose up at me. He walked with such a silly swagger, certainly thinking he was something he wasn't. Feeling the need to turn his hair into a patterned mess in order to gain attention. He held his head up high in an attempt to make me say something, but I let him carry on walking, not giving him the satisfaction. I watched him walk away, his leopard print jacket tightening around his arms, as I sniggered at his arrogance.

As the show finished I went to find Stephanie so she could let me know who I was riding with. My rental company had let me down last minute which resulted in Stephanie having to find me someone to ride with. I found her in her office, knocking on the door as she allowed me to enter. "Jay, yes, thanks for coming. I've found someone to ride with you," I smiled over at her. "Enzo Amore." My jaw dropped in shock. Stephanie wasn't to know of course but I still couldn't think of anyone else to ride with. "That isn't a problem is it?" I didn't want to cause any issues or animosity.

"Not at all." I told her, leaving the room and grabbing my cases. I walked out to the car park to see Enzo already stood by the car.

"Nice of you to show up." He told me getting in the driver's seat.

"Some gent you are," I remarked putting my bag in the boot by myself. I slid into the passenger's seat as he drove off. Unlucky for me, the next arena was six hours away, something I definitely wasn't prepared for. I had no sorts of conversation to make with him, so instead I just sat staring out of the window, occasionally playing on my phone.

We sat been sat for three hours, and not a single word was exchanged. Enzo's driving was reckless to say the least, I'd lost count of the number of times he'd driven over the limit. I opened my phone back up, only for it to flash at me and warn me I was on critical battery. "Oh no, my phone's gonna die," I whispered to myself.

"Why didn't you charge it like any smart person would." I looked shocked at Enzo's smart response. I stared over at him, unimpressed by his snide comment.

"Do you think I didn't do that? I wouldn't have had to charge it if I was allowed to ride with someone who actually bothered to give me the time of day." Enzo briefly took his eyes off the road, glaring over at me.

"I can't help it if I have no interest in you or your life." He shouted back.

"No one asked you to ride with me, because quite frankly if you didn't care you wouldn't have decided to let me ride with you in the first place." I retaliated. I could see Enzo quickly working a response up in his mind.

"Oh really? You don't think Stephanie forced me into riding with you, because trust me love if I had the choice you'd still be dumped in the car park at the arena." His sharp tongue hit me hard, but the hatred I felt towards him fired me up not to give into him.

"That just about sums you up doesn't it, a rude, cocky, self centred guy with no respect for anyone apart from himself." I watched as his grip on the steering wheel tightened in frustration.

"That's not true at all! You don't know the first thing about me to be able to comment about me." I knew I had him by his much less innocent comeback.

"Prove it." I demanded, tightly wrapping him around my finger.

"You really don't want to do this Jay, I will tear you apart." I smirked over at him, even though he couldn't see me.

"Try me." Before I finished my brief sentence the car swerved sideways and off to the end of the road. Enzo put the clutch down, stopping the car, and unbuckling his seat belt. I feared slightly that he was going to abandon me on the road side, however when he leaned forwards and locked his lips around mine, I couldn't help but freeze in shock. The car was small which meant space was restricted as he forcefully placed his lips on mine. For a brief moment I completely forgot who I was in the presence off, just kissing back because of the nice feeling of his lips on mine. I felt his hands go to the bottom of my top, his touch making shivers go up my spine. We kissed for what seemed like an eternity, until he finally pulled away, both of us panting in our seats. I placed my top back down, staring over at Enzo. "Wow," I whispered.

"I warned you didn't I?" He said smugly. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Yeah I guess you did." I grinned in response.

"I've hated you for all these years because you didn't like me. I wanted to run up to you and cuddle you but I always thought you were too good for me." I blushed at his comment, watching as he did his seatbelt back up.

"That kiss has changed my world upside down, I really like you Enzo." I told him, an even bigger blush on my cheeks.

"Good, because I want things to change between the two of us."

"Me too," I agreed, as we hit the road again.

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