Ring Of Passion ~ Seth Rollins

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Everyone has that one person in life that they just can't stand. The person they just want to never have to see again. For me, there was only ever one person I had that opinion of, Seth Rollins. Just his name made me squirm at the thought of his half and half hair, which I never understood, or his smug smile at being 'The Future' which I vowed I would personally become myself. He is the epitome of disgusting.

Tonight I had been informed that I would be participating in a tag team match with Rusev and Summer Rae. I couldn't wait to give her a real fight. An hour before the show, I had to go to Triple H's office so he could show me who I was teaming up with. I was texting on my phone, walking down the corridor, just as the human wrecking ball Ryback strolled past me. The way his muscles always looked so big had me swooning to myself.

I had always visioned Triple H as a father figure, I was like his golden child in NXT, and he had nurtured me right through into WWE. I knew he would never make a desicion that I was against, he knew me too well, and that if he did, everyone would know that I was angry. We had such a good relationship, I've never even had to knock on his office door, so I swung the door open, but paused as I saw Seth sat in the office with Triple H. "Please no." I whispered to no one in particular.

"Presley, I'm pleased to inform you that tonight you will be participating in the mixed tag team match with Seth." My heart sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Seriously. The one person I wish to spend no time with has to be my partner.

"Cool." I remarked, before storming out of the office, and spending some time on my own, preparing myself mentally and physically for tonight.

As I made my entrance I could already imagine Seth's face when he entered, smirking at me down the ramp. Summer smiled at me as I climbed the ropes, waving at the fans.

The ever so annoying theme played out, as I reminded myself not to hold eye contact with him, and ignore anything he did towards me. Once he had finished showing himself off to absolutely no one that cared about him, he handed his belt over to the ref. "I'm starting." I yelled, demanding he stood on the apron whilst I started the match. I promised myself that I wouldn't tag him in unless Summer tagged Rusev. I wanted to control the match and do it myself, without any help. It wasn't as if I'd needed any help before. "Stay there, and do not tag yourself in."

As soon as I started fighting Summer I couldn't stop myself, I didn't want to go for the pin, I didn't want to stop beating her up. I Irish whipped her into the post, running to hit her, when she moved out of the way, and I went face first into the metal. I immediately felt the blood pour down my face. I looked over at Seth as he made a loud noise stumping his foot on the mat. "Presley you need to tag me, you can't wrestle like that." I knew how bad my face was, so I broke my promise, and tagged him in.

"Make sure Summer isn't tagged in." I told him as we exchanged positions. It took Seth a matter of minutes to pick up the win over Rusev, pinning him, making Summer scream on the opposite apron. She tore her long blonde hair out of the bun, throwing it on the floor in anger. I climbed into the ring, turning my back on Seth. As much as I was grateful for him tagging in, I still disliked him, and I still wanted nothing to do with him.

I went to climb out of the ring, when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist tightly, twirling me round. Unbeknown to me, Seth had arranged a little something. We stood still, when out of the blue, Seth forcefully placed his lips onto mine. It took me a few seconds to react to what he had done. I was in a state of shock. I relentlessly kissed back after I realised what had happened. Why? I just will never know.

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