Stories Of A Hardy ~ Dean Ambrose

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We were all sat in the locker room, huddled together when I felt a pair of eyes burning on me. I kept looking up as he stared right at me completely spaced out. "We're gonna go find your fit brother Danielle!" I looked up and saw the girls disappear into the corridor. "And we're gonna go do a warm down at the gym. See you later you two." Seth hastily added. So it was just me and Dean. This was weird!

"Dean, why do you keep looking at me like that?" I asked.

"Because you're beautfiul!" He replied quickly putting his hand over his mouth. "Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out so forceful. I was trying to say you are a really pretty girl, and in all honesty, right now I would like for nothing more then to call you my girlfriend." He 'walked' - limped - over to me, stroking the side of my face. He cupped my cheeks, gently pressing his lips to mine. I quickly kissed back, so he knew I liked him too. So, I guess now Dean Ambrose was my boyfriend!

5 years later...

I sat with Renee, Paige and The Bella Twins in catering. We were currently on tour in the UK, and we were at the O2 doing Raw. Because there was no Authority, they had a special guest general manager, who just happened to be Tom. "So how did Dean propose to you then?" Brie asked looking at my ring.

"He took me out and told me we were meeting fans, and when we got there they were holding letters saying 'Will you marry me?' So not exactly the most romantic proposal in the world, but it was so imaginative." I couldn't help but smile as I thought back to it. They 'awwed' as I relived the moment in my head.

The Shield were first out into the British crowd tonight, to introduce me and Tom as the general managers for the evening. "Ladies and gentleman, the amazing Tom Hardy, and my fiancee Danielle!" The crowd cheered as I was helped into the ring by the boys. Tom got the crowd going and Dean placed his hand on my shoulder, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Actually, before you go any further Tom, me and Dean, have something to tell you." I paused. Trying to make it very dramatic. "In 8 months time you will be known as Uncle Tom!" His mouth fell open, as I smiled and placed my hand on my belly. He ran to me, squeezing me tight. Right now was just perfect.

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