Lockdown ~ Dean Ambrose

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We had just finished filming for the new action movie Lockdown as part of WWE. It was an amazing opportunity, and meant for 4 weeks that I was working with my boyfriend Dean. We were on our way to the wrap party of the film, and every person behind the film was going to be there. "You excited babe?" Dean asked me. I had dressed him in a beautiful suit and I must admit he looked drop dead gorgeous.

"Yeah, I've been to loads before, but never with you. I can see this being a pretty wicked night." He nodded smiling. He intertwined our fingers, exaggerating the swinging motion as we walked in.

"I can see this being a very special night tonight." He whispered into my ear. What was that supposed to mean?

Later on in the night...

"...guys it has been such an honour to work with all of you. To experience this has been such a pleasure and I hope I get the chance to work with you all again somewhere down the line in the future." Dean was currently at the podium, looking dapper, addressing everyone. I was so proud to stand alongside him, and watch him make his acting debut. I always knew he had it in him, ever since his Jon Moxley days when he was a wild child.

"And to do this alongside the girl I love so much, has just made me realise how perfect she really is. Sabrina has been by my side through thick and thin. From Jon Moxley to who I am today. She has seen the good and bad, but making Lockdown has just been the icing on the top. People always ask me, 'when are you gonna ask her?' and I always reply that I will when the moment is right. And this moment that we share with you all, feels just right. So, Sabrina? Can you come up here for a moment babe?"

I swear I felt my jaw hit the floor, as I looked at him in disbelief. I felt my legs suddenly turn to jelly as I struggled to stand up and walk towards him. He reached for my hand as I stepped up the stairs. Dean gave me a look which made me fall in love all over again. "What are you doing?" I whispered. Dean winked at me which made me feel weak at the knees.

"I love you so much that you'll never understand. My time with you is just the most amazing time, and moments I will always treasure. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Sabrina, so do me the honour of becoming my wife, and marry me?" I felt millions of little tears escape me, as I looked down at Dean on his knee. This moment seemed so surreal, and was something I had dreamed of since I was a little girl.

"Yes." I simply replied. Planting a huge kiss on my fiancé's lips.

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