May I Have This Dance ~ Dean Ambrose

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I stretched my leg as I warmed up in the amazing Hotel Dance Studio. I was a teacher for a young girl named Taylor Hatala who had recently found success on YouTube. She strolled in smiling widely at me. "Can we practise the routine for the video which is going up at the end of the week Nika please?" Pulling out the stereo I looked over at her as she jumped around pulling up her brightly coloured leg warmers.

"Yeah of course we can sweetie. We have about an hour today, so that should be enough time. Let me put the music on repeat." Taylor stood behind me following my every move, pointing her feet and gracefully moving her arms around. "That's it! Good job Taylor. They're gonna love watching this." She thanked me and carried on as I watched her carefully making sure she did everything right.

After about 45 minutes of good rehearsal time, the entrance door slammed making the two of us jump and slightly scream in fright. I spun around as I saw a man with huge muscles, a black leather jacket, ripped jeans, and slight waves in his hair. I studied his face carefully, completely oblivious to who he was, "Nika?" He questioned me with his husky voice.

"Dean! Oh my god! What are you doing here?" I ran into his arms squealing in delight at seeing him again after so long. He pulled me into his chest as I inhaled his strong scent.

"I'm gonna go now, see you later Nika!" Taylor grabbed her bag and scurried out of the door. I looked up at Dean as he smiled down at me, considering I was a lot smaller.

"So, my question to you is, would you care to dance?" He bowed in front of me, offering me his hand, I gladly accepted leading him to the middle of the studio placing my arm around his waist, and placing my head on his chest. He squeezed me as we swayed to the imaginary beat in our imaginations.

After what felt like forever dancing around with Dean, I stopped and looked at him straight in the eyes. He looked back at me, leaning down and kissing me softly. The kiss continued for awhile as my heart skipped a beat at the touch of his skin on mine. He ran his hand down my leg as I pushed him into the props cupboard. I felt my head hit the wall as he pushed me at it roughly. We continued to kiss for a while, enjoying each others company,
and well I think it will be more fun if you imagine what happened next...

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