Charlotte and Roman Reigns for CharreignsQueen1

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Another New Book Alert: WWE Fanfiction Awards, please head over and vote in the book in all sorts of different categories! I would really appreciate it, and if you can, share it with your friends/followers! Thankyouu


Today was the day of the Wrestlemania 34 press conference, but no level of excitement could replace the sadness I felt. I had been asked to speak as the current champion, but when I stood up to the microphone to address the flashing cameras, nothing but a few sobs and barely audible words came out. All the pain and heartbreak took away the happiness I felt to have such an opportunity. Throughout the day I had desperately tried to forget all about it, but it was much harder then I thought.

The Raw roster were all sat together in the food hall as the conference finished. "I can't wait to go home and see Lana, I've missed her loads whilst I've been here." We all looked over at Rusev as he spoke about his wife. My mind went racing through yesterday all over again. I tried to compose myself in front of my colleagues. Before I began to feel the tears drop, I stood up leaving the room, running down the corridor to the nearest exit.

I stopped, sitting down on the steps, sobbing into my hands. "Charlotte?" I looked up, with red puffy eyes, to see Roman coming out through the door, sitting beside me. He instantly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"My boyfriend cheated on me." I wailed. The thought of it making my heart break as I gripped onto Roman for comfort.

"Oh Charlotte I'm so sorry, that sucks." He ran his hand up and down my back as I let the tears freely roll down my cheeks. All sorts of emotions filled my body, anger, regret, sadness.

"I just want to know what I did wrong. What was so bad that he felt the need to go off with another woman?" I pulled away from Roman, wiping away my tears.

"If I knew the answer I'd tell you, but I really don't know. If I was him I would never do such a thing, everything about you is perfect." I looked up at Roman, shaking my head.

"You don't have to say that just to make me feel better Roman." He shook his head, smiling down at me, making me smile.

"I'm not just saying it though Charlotte, you truly are perfect to me." He tentatively placed his hand on top of mine.


"Just listen." He moved over he could wrap his arm back around me, sitting even closer. "All this time I've watched you in the ring, with your boyfriend, crying out to replace him, hold you in my arms. Your blonde hair, blue eyes, amazing figure, everything about you is incredible. You're the kindest, sweetest, warmest person I've ever known, and I understand you're going through your break up right now, but while I have the courage to tell you all these things, I had to get it off of my chest."

"I had no idea you ever felt that way about me," his whole demeanor changed, suddenly turning shy. "I can't believe you never said anything before."

"Well I've said it now." He moved his hand away from me, pushing himself up by the steps. "I'm going to go inside now, I'm just feeling a bit awkward."

"Please don't," I pleaded, grabbing his hand and pulling him back down. "I have something I want to say to you too." Roman sat back down beside me, as I grabbed his hand. "I really like you too Roman, you're gorgeous. Even though I had my boyfriend, I still couldn't stop myself looking over at you and your beautiful hair and eyes. It's now I realise I never should have chosen him, I always should of chosen you." Roman placed his hands on my cheeks, leaning in and passionately kissing me. I held onto him tightly, refusing to let him go. We kissed for a few more moments, until Roman pulled away.

"Wow," he breathed, holding my body close to him.

"That was incredible," I gushed, holding onto his hand. I stood up, pulling him up too. "Come on, we should probably head back inside."

"Yeah, I heard there are a few more media personnel that want to talk to us about Wrestlemania." He opened up the door, holding it for me.

"Shouldn't you maybe let go of my hand whilst we're at work?" I asked him, he looked back at me smiling.

"No, I'm good," he responded making me smile back at him.

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