Dolph Ziggler for I-Heart-Ziggler

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Therese's POV

Wrestlemania. The night every superstar dreams of participating in. And tonight was my opportunity. I had a triple threat match against Naomi and Natalya for the Women's Championship that they were reintroducing tonight. My best friend Dolph was in a ladder match for the Intercontinental championship, which we were both so excited for. I knew of course he would win, but he wasn't so sure. "Hey Therese." Dolph sat himself next to me, throwing a water bottle of his hand, slightly extending the length of his bleaches blonde hair.

"You okay? Nervous? Excited?" I asked. I had to know how he was feeling, so I could cheer him up and get his adrenaline pumping.

"I'm kinda getting excited now Therese. And tonight, win or lose, can we go out to dinner tonight to celebrate our achievements, titles or no titles?" Now most people would see this as an invite on a date, but I knew of course Dolph never saw me in that sort of way. Who would?

"Umm...yeah sure why not. Anyways my match is up so I gotta go, good luck Dolph." I pecked his cheek before skipping off to the gorilla to warm up. The two girls were there already, so I quickly joined them.

I was the last to make my entrance, an the buzz I felt from the crowd was electric. I high five a few of them, smiling at all the encouraging signs. I climbed in the ring, as I got the loudest cheer I had ever heard. My heart was pounding, stunned at how warmly they were accepting me into their universe.

I was weak. We had been going for a good quarter of an hour and I was beginning to feel the burn. I had zero momentum, and Natalya was dominating the both of us. Naomi was desperately fighting back, until she was thrown out of the ring, and Natalya shouted at her, giving me a perfect opportunity. I ran towards her, ignoring the extreme pain shooting through my body, grabbing her between the legs, and rolling her up for the pin. The ref ran over hitting the mat, once, twice, and three times. I was the champion. I was having my wrestlemania moment. I was living my dream. The referee raised my hand, as I smiled wide.

Backstage, I didn't have the chance to find Dolph before his match to wish him luck. I sat resting my new belt on my lap, watching intently at the television to see Dolph in his ladder match.

It was brutal, extreme, out of this world. Dolph was barely noticeable within some of the superstars. Obviously there was the cocky ones who wanted to be centre of attention twenty four seven. There was only Dolph and Luke in the ring, and the title was there for the taking. "C'mon Dolph!" I yelled at the TV. Dolph hit Luke with a zig zag, and scrambled up the ladder. He reached up on his tip toes for the belt, before grabbing it and starting his celebrations.

I ran towards the entrance trying to find him, so that we could celebrate together. I found him, getting his name on the belt. I jumped on his back making him squeal, before turning me around. "I'm so proud of you Dolph. You've done so well." I gave him a hug, before jumping down.

"Not as proud as I am of you Therese. You were amazing. But how about we head off to the restaurant down the road, a celebratory dinner." I nodded, as we linked arms and making our way backstage to get changed.

The restaurant was actually beautiful. Dolph was a gentleman throughout, and we got a couple of remarks of how much of a loved up couple we looked like which made us laugh. Dolph walked me to my hotel room as it was extremely late, and he thought I might get lost.

"Thanks for a lovely evening Dolph." I gave him a hug unlocking the door.

"You're welcome Therese."

We stood, staring at each other. No one moved for a few seconds, as I saw a side to Dolph I had never really seen before. He took a step forward, as did I. Dolph pouted his lips, reaching his hand forward touching my face. I leaned forward too, before we gently placed our lips on each others. It felt so nice, as we embraced in each others arms.

I'd never felt so loved in my life, as realisation hit me, Dolph was who I wanted to be with.

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