Dean Ambrose for unstable_rutherford

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You know when you get that feeling that somebody is watching you, almost haunting you. Me too. Recently I had been sensing this weird feeling that I was being watched. Not like you might think, just odd glances or looks when it was thought I couldn't see. I felt it mainly at work, on Smackdown to be precise. The guy, Dean Ambrose. The mystery of the WWE, his instability kind of concerning me. Whenever I passed him by, his blue eyes would fall on me, I didn't know why, but I knew it was making me very conscious and awkward. I wasn't the perfect girl at all, your edgy punk, a full on rock star, I wasn't a stereotype at all.

The days at work passed, live events, meetings, passing, and every time I felt a burning sensation that he was watching me. Anytime I would catch him he would glance around innocently, desperate to remove any sort of inkling I had that he was glancing at me. I didn't know if it was hatred, lust, despair, but like any person experiencing that sort of situation, eventually I reached my tether.

After I caught him straight away staring at me as I walked down the corridor, I decided I had had enough. I walked over to him as he looked at the ground. "Excuse me!" I slightly shouted, capturing his attention, giving him no choice but to look up. "Why do you feel the need to glare at me all the time." He raised his hands in protest.

"I think you're mistaken love, I definitely wasn't looking at you." I shook my head in disbelief.

"Please don't lie to me." I told him.

"I'm not, I think someone is a bit arrogant thinking that men are staring at them." I tried so hard not to slap him there and then.

"How dare you." I bellowed, as he stood up so he was at my eye height.

"What? It's true isn't it. I mean why would I stare at you anyway?" I bit my inner lip as Dean stood smugly in front of me.

"Or maybe you just get some sort of kick by staring at women like they're objects, you know guys like you and all that." It was his turn to look at me in disbelief.

"I don't even know your name, Jessica isn't it or something." He shrugged it off, as I smiled knowing I had him.

"That's funny, because you've got my name first guess, so you really can't care that little to know my name." He looked down at the ground, his brain working over time to process something to say.

"Lucky guess." He replied as I smirked at him.

"Are you sure?" I pushed. His shoulders drop, his tough guy persona disappearing.

"No," he whispered as I looked at him for a continuation of his sentence. He didn't carry on, so I gave him a little push.

"Why no?" I asked, pulling my long brown hair in front of me.

"I kind of like you." He admitted, as I tried to prevent the humble blush that was growing on my cheeks.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes, I tried to succumb my feelings and push them away, defiant you wouldn't feel the same way. I couldn't help looking at you, I just found you so beautiful and edgy, but I just couldn't pluck up the courage to come and speak to you." I sighed feeling a small bit of pity for the guy.

"Here I am." I stated as he laughed a little at my attempted joke.

"Yeah." He replied, his awkwardness making me smile.

"Dean, what about if I told you that I liked you too?" He looked up hopefully as I smiled at him to prove that I was being honest.

"I'd really like that." He told me, his awkward aura completely disappearing. "I didn't think you'd like someone like me."

"Why not? Despite your creepy stare, your kind, crazy, and ruggedly handsome, the perfect guy a girl like me would go for." He linked his arm around mine, walking me down the corridor.

"How about in that case, us two crazy individuals go out on a date sometime, nothing fancy, because people like us don't do those sorts of things, but a little adventure or something, a chance to get to know each other without having to stare for a while first." I nodded.

"Yeah, that sounds like your best idea yet." I joked with him as he smiled his adorable smile once again, walking me down to his locker room.

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