Roman Reigns for megamaxsqueen Part 2

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As I walked onto the stage, the only noise I heard was the clicking of my heels. I could see just around the corner, thousands of screaming fans.

"Ladies and gentleman, please welcome, performing her new single, Destiny Sargeant." I heard the voice of Lillian Garcia ring out, echoing in my eardrums, as I walked out and did a slight wave to the crowd, despite knowing they weren't exactly my fans.

After a steady performance, I was about three quarter through the song, when I had a familiar wrestling track, which goes by the name of 'Next Big Thing.' I turned around and saw Brock Lesnar walk around the post, immediately walking straight into my face.

Brock howled in my face, as I lowered the microphone from my face in fear. Paul Heyman did his ever so familiar walk behind him, chuckling at what was happening. I felt a cold shiver down my spine, as his icy glare chilled me to the core. "Destiny!" He yelled in my face. I swear a huge amount of spit hit my face, but I wasn't concerned about that, I was more concerned about getting out of there as quickly as possible.

I felt his huge hands grasp around my throat, as his arm hooked between my legs, hurling me up onto his back. Why was Brock doing this? I froze to scared to start kicking out of his grasp. I knew what he was going to do, I'd seen it done before. The dreaded F5. A move which could destroy you in half. "What is your issue?" I asked. This most definitely wasn't planned.

Before I moved an inch further, the old theme of The Shield played out. Roman sprinted from round the corner, and tackled Brock to the ground, pounding his face immediately. I landed awkwardly on my shoulder, but I would've taken that then an F5 any day. "Ow!" I whimpered, causing Roman to snap his head up and look at me roll over in pain. Roman pulled himself up and rushed towards me.

"It's okay. I got you, you're safe." He reassured me, wrapping a comforting arm around my waist helping me up. I limped up, struggling to pull my body weight up. "C'mon Dest, you can do it." Roman aided me to the trainer's room where I was examined for any real damage, instead of just a few bruises on my body.

"Thankyou for being my superhero and saving me out there tonight Roman. I don't know what I would've done if you didn't come out, my career could've been over." He leaned forward and squeezed my hand, as he sat to my left on what looked like one of the most uncomfortable chairs ever, as I laid with my leg propped up.

"It's okay. I couldn't see a pretty girl like you get hurt anyways." Did Roman Reigns just call me pretty?

"Pretty?" I queried.

"Yeah, look at you Dest, you're stunning. How anyone could not find you attractive is beyond me." My cheeks lit up like red fireworks when I heard him say that. "I saved you for a reason you know. A gorgeous face like yours couldn't be hurt by an F5." I patted the empty space on the bed, signalling for Roman to join me. He pulled his huge frame up and wrapped an arm around me. "Go on a date with me Destiny please?" I nodded, speechless to say any words. Roman pulled me into a side hug, and I've honestly never felt more safe in my lifetime.

A/N- So, I've decided that I'm gonna write many fanfics, and that I'm gonna write most of them collbaing with people. So if you would like to write a book, just me and you, after SnowflakeBella (a babe) said I could steal her idea, inbox me and we will get started

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