Roman Reigns for megamaxsqueen Part 1

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Destiny's POV

Destiny Sargeant. Dest Sargeant. One of the most popular singers in America today. An icon. A huge wrestling fan. Me.

I sat across the table from my mum as we caught up for a coffee and a catch up. I'd missed her whilst I completed a radio tour promoting my new single. Quickly I had launched straight into stardom, and immediately became quite famous. My phone started vibrating on the table, as an unknown number was ringing me. My mum gave me an urging look to answer it. I picked up my bright pink iPhone and held it to my ear. "Hello."

"Hi Destiny. This is Paul Levesque speaking, and I have a little preposition for you. I'm asking you if you would like to be one of the artists who perform at our annual Wrestlemania show this year in Santa Clara at the Levis stadium." I inhaled a deep breath in shock. I didn't really know this guy, but I knew about Wrestlemania. I knew that it entertained tens of thousands of people yearly.

"Oh. Wow. Of course I'd love to it would be my pleasure. I can't believe this right now. I can't believe I'm speaking to you, or being invited to your event." I squealed. My mum looked at me a bit bewildered but I waved my hand at her.

"Well, I'll send you the paperwork and hopefully we will see you at the end of March. Bye." And before I could reply the phone was hung up.

"Mum, you are not going to believe this. I've been invited to perform at Wrestlemania with my new single. The Triple H rang me up and requested I perform. In the Levis Stadium!" My mum jumped up and down in the air with me.

"I'm so happy for you Dest, I knew you would do it. The biggest stage of them all, Wrestlemania aye." I could see a few tears form in her eyes, so hopped up and hugged her tight.

"Wrestlemania." I whispered.

The day of Wrestlemania...

I walked up to the stadium inhaling a huge deep breath. Many of the big names walked past me smiling at me. To be completely honest, I was lost. I had no clear where to go. I'd never been to an event like this before.

"Destiny Sargeant?" A very masculine voice came up behind me.

"Roman Reigns?" A man with a tattooed Samoan sleeve, flowing black hair, and very muscular arms came up behind me. "How do you know my name?"

"My daughter, she is your biggest fan, she adores listening to your music, and makes up her own dance moves to it." He then proceeded to demonstrate the moves his daughter performs. His hair whipped so elegantly, and made me rather jealous, I must admit.

"Can you help me?" I asked. "I'm kinda lost. This stadium is like a maze." He giggled at my joke, making all my butterflies flutter away, as I felt an awful lot more comfortable around him suddenly.

"Of course I can. So are you performing tonight?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I've been asked to perform my new single, so I'm pretty excited. My biggest performance and crowd to date." Roman picked up my bag and began walking towards one of the huge red doors. I quickly sped up to keep up with him.

"The WWE universe will be lovely to you, so I wouldn't worry about having to perform in front of them tonight. They'll welcome you with open arms." When he said that, I felt a wave of relief wash across me, as Roman reassured me that I would be fine tonight.

We walked down the corridor a bit further, before we stopped at a door which had a sign saying 'Performing Talent' which I knew was me. I grabbed my bag from Roman.

"Thanks for this Roman, I really appreciate it." He nodded back at me in response.

"Your welcome Destiny. Good luck for tonight." And with that, I walked into the dressing room, and began prepping myself for tonight, and for the biggest performance of my life.

*There is a part 2 to this one shot*

A/N - So I have officially put the book forward for the Watty's

R.I.P Rowdy Roddy Piper

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