The Show Goes On ~ Dean Ambrose

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Singing in the shower was possibly one of my favourite things to do. Nobody had ever really heard me sing, I'd always been pestered to, but always managed to avoid it. The radio played in the background, as I prepared to shower down after my match against Brie Bella.

"Sika, I'm just going to catering to grab a bite to eat." Dean shouted from our changing room we share. I didn't reply, but got in the shower allowing the hot water to hit me.

After a good quarter of an hour I was still in the shower, cleaning myself. In the background a new song came on, Run by Leona Lewis. This song had always meant so much to me, I couldn't help but sing along to the lyrics.

Dean's POV

I crept back in, when I heard a little voice singing from the shower. I walked up to the door, and immediately recognised it as Sika's. I opened the door, as the steam hit me in the face where she had been in for so long. The shower turned off and I his behind the corner, as she stepped out wrapping her towel around herself.

"You never told me you could sing babe!" She jumped back as I walked over to her, letting her know she was safe. "Sika Austin, how come you've never shown off that beautiful voice of yours. That was such a beautiful rendition of that song." She blushed hiding away in my chest and shoulder. I lifted her face up with my finger staring into her eyes.

"It wasn't that good Dean, you're only saying that because you are my husband." I giggled at her, and how humble she was being.

"Trust me, I wouldn't just say that to you. That was perfect and the next song that comes on, you're gonna sing to me, so we can prove that you have the voice of an angel." She shook her head, but eventually gave in, listening to the beat of the next song. The Show Goes On, by Lupe Fiasco.

She trembled as she sang in front of me, but I kept reassuring her that she was amazing. She'd always been insecure and shy, the complete opposite of her dad Steve.

Sika's POV

The song ended, and I sighed in relief that it was over. It felt good to sing in front of someone, who could reassure me, and believe in me. "That was perfect sweetheart, I wish I knew you could sing sooner."

"Thanks Dean."

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