Stardust for DreamyRomance

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That was it. My life was over, my boyfriend broke up with me, and I had nowhere to go. Well, that was except for the local nightclub just down the road from where we did live together. It was the best nightclub in Washington and I for one loved it in there. Every so often you'd see a major celebrity venturing inside, only to emerge hours later tremendously drunk and falling over themselves in front of the paparazzi.

I queued up in the long queue of people waiting to go inside, only they were all with their friends, but my mission tonight was to make loads of friends. Slowly the queue moved along to the entrance where I got my ID out just in case. The security guard was different to the one I usually saw, but that didn't matter, he still let me in with a smile on his face.

"To the bar!" I shouted as I made my way into the tunnel of flashing lights into the club. Inside was a massive bar and a large sectioned off dance floor for all the young souls to boogie on. I went up to the bar and saw my friend Daniel who was working tonight.

"Hey Jaski no Alex tonight?" He continued to serve a few of the other people at the bar whilst he started his conversation with me.

"No, we broke up." He looked over sadly at me. "No, don't be sad, I'm fine. I'm just ready to get absolutely smashed tonight." He passed the other people their drinks and then walked up to the spirits cabinet, picking up a bottle of Vodka and showing it to me. "Oh you know me so well." I replied as he grabbed a shot glass for me on top of the bar pouring one out. As he tipped out the drink I leaned over and grabbed his hand. "Just make it four for now." I told him.

"You sure?" I nodded as Daniel picked up three more glasses pouring out more vodka. I downed the glasses in a matter of seconds, the taste of the liquid hitting me hard making me squirm slightly, before the great after feeling commenced.

"Danny boy, gimme a couple more." I pushed the glasses back down towards me, oblivious to the stares I was getting from the people around me. Daniel looked over at me apprehensively but all I wanted was to completely forget about Alex and the fact that now I was homeless. The glasses were poured once again, and as soon as he put them full up back on the bar, I downed them once again.

"Jaski please don't do this to yourself." Daniel begged with me as I gave him a knowing look for some more. I shook my head banging on the bar, demanding that he gave me more.

"Hey, maybe you should listen to your friend, alcohol isn't the answer to your problem. Trust me." I looked to my left and saw a muscular man next to me with a typical beer in his hands. I turned around so I was facing him.

"You don't get to tell me what to do," I slurred. "You don't know me, and you don't know my story." I leaned over on the bar, all the shots suddenly rushing to my head. I rested my left leg on the stool to balance myself.

"You're right, I don't, but I don't want to see you get yourself in a mess." I went to go and speak to the man, when the stool slid across the floor taking my leg with it causing me to do the splits. "Woah," the man exclaimed catching me from underneath and pulling me back upright. "Mate, do you have any idea where this girl lives, we need to get her home?" I looked over at Daniel, although there weirdly seemed to be two of him behind the bar home.

"I...I don't have a home." I told them both, a wave of emotion coming over me.

"Yeah you do Jaski, with Alex, remember." I shook my head in objection. "Yes, your boyfriend-"

"ex boyfriend." I tried to work out Daniel's face but my vision was too blurry to see.

"How about you come back to my hotel and I'll get you some coffee and a bed for the night?" The strange man asked me. I could hardly walk so launched myself at the man in the hope he'd give me a hand with walking.

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks..."


"Right, thanks Cody." Daniel said. "Jaski, Cody is going to get you sorted out, alright? I'll see you later." I vaguely saw Daniel walk away to a different customer, and Cody led me out of the night club, practically carrying me.

We arrived at an enormous hotel with multiple floors, which Cody happened to be at the top of. We didn't talk much on the way, my drunken mind too disorientated to hold a conversation. Cody unlocked the door and took me in, sitting me down on the bed. "Let me put the kettle on." He went over to the table plugging in the mini kettle to make me a cup of coffee. "So, are you sober enough to tell me what happened with your boyfriend?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I said, tears threatening to spill by the thought of the already painful breakup.

"Hey, hey, no crying in this room," he ordered walking over to me wrapping an arm around me. "It'll all get sorted, don't worry." He stayed with an arm around me, rubbing my side in an attempt to comfort me as the tears fell down my cheeks. "Let's just worry about getting you sober for now, then we'll think about what's next." The kettle pinged causing Cody to get up and pour my coffee into the mug, then bringing it over to me. "Get that down you." I took a few sips before settling it down on the bedside table.

"Thank you for being so kind to my drunken idiotic self."

"You're more than welcome." He smiled, taking his shoes off and unpacking a few bits from his bag.

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