Finn Balor for KalaniMarie

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I looked into the mirror one last time, checking over my gear, bringing my black and red hair in front of my face once again. I could barely see the ends as I looked down to the tip of my shiny boots, jumping up and down in anticipation. "Kalani, three, two, one." The producer's hand moved out of my way as my theme song played out through the arena. I walked through the curtain as the crowd cheered for me.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for the Raw Women's Championship. Introducing first, from Tulare California, Kalani Marie!" I ran down the ramp, sliding into the ring, climbing up to the top rope and waving to the fans. I hopped down as the second theme tune played. Charlotte stepped out in a signature robe, twirling around at the top of the ramp.

"And her opponent, from Charlotte North Carolina, she is the Raw Women's Champion, Charlotte Flair!" We stared off with each other as she came down the ramp, joining me in the ring. She took off her robe, handing the referee her title.

"May the best woman win." She said to me, locking up and beginning the match.

The two of us had always worked well together, knowing each other inside out. I had some of my greatest matches with Charlotte, just like she had with me. Both of us were as determined as ever to leave the arena with that belt tonight, but all the same not wanting to defeat our good friend.

I somehow had gained a lot of momentum, throwing Charlotte around the ring hitting her with numerous offensive attacks. She hit the mat once again as I climbed up to the top rope jumping off with a diving double foot stamp. I rolled her over, pinning her as I heard the referee hit the mat three times. I jumped up in complete shock as I heard my theme song play out in the arena.

"Here is your winner, and the new Raw Women's Champion, Kalani Marie!" The ref helped me up, handing me the while belt which I raised up into the air. I climbed up onto the top rope, showing my belt off to the fans. My music quietened when pulsating noises could be heard. The arena fell dark as a new video was playing on the titan. I looked over when a figure came from behind the curtain, the familiar theme of Finn Balor playing. I watched as he came down in his leather jacket, walking out and stopping at the top of the ramp. He tugged at his leather jacket, clapping his hands and applauding my victory. I watched him as he smirked down at me in the ring, walking back round to the backstage area. I slid out of the ring, walking back up the ramp.

As soon as I got backstage I saw Finn smirking over at me. I walked over to him, only for him to grab hold of my arm, pulling me towards him. I giggled as he stepped closer towards me, a couple of inches between me and him. I inhaled a deep breath as he grabbed hold of my cheeks, bringing my face closer to his until our lips touched. We moved in synchronisation with each other, as I gripped tightly onto the title to release my excitement. He pulled away, his hot breath on my face, as he lifted my hand up, showing me my title. "You did it."

"I did indeed. But my title doesn't matter right now, what was that all about?" We sat down in the corner of the room, as I gently placed my belt on my lap.

"I don't know, I just watched the match and you were awesome, and then you hit the foot stamp and I was completely hooked."

"Hooked on what?" I asked him, running a hand through my sweaty hair.

"You of course." I blushed slightly as he grabbed a hold of my spare hand. "You were incredible out there, the massive shine that your brown eyes radiated, the way your hair fell perfectly as you flew around the ring, not to mention word around the crew is that you're a big fan of Lego, I mean what's not to love?"

"Love?" I whispered, too shocked to really understand what was happening.

"Well maybe not love yet, but I'd like to mould into love, champ." I smiled over at him, as he did his usual wink back.

"I'd really like that, I really like you Finn." He bit the inside of his lip in an attempt to hide his happiness.

"How about I take you out, it doesn't have to be tonight, but we can celebrate that championship in the best way possible." I nodded shyly.

"That sounds perfect." I grinned as he pulled me up from my seat.

"Well how about you go and get changed, and I'll meet you in a bit?" I nodded walking over to the women's locker room. "Kalani!" I heard him shout. I turned around as he walked over pecking my cheek. He blushed as I turned back around walking to the locker room, my brand new belt proudly sat on my shoulder.

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