Roman Reigns for iAmelia_Official

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I was snuggled up in my boyfriend's lap, no one knew about us. We were our own little secret and I loved it. We didn't want the universe to know about us as their reaction slightly scared me. Randy and Sheamus were on the screen in another rivalry match. "Don't you think Randy's is good looking Ro?" I was definitely the type of person who appreciated a good body when I saw one, and Randy had one.

"He's alright Amelia." I realised that I touched a slight nerve with Roman bringing up another man, but I wasn't too bothered, it was just a conversation.

"Yeah, but his body is something else." Roman looked intently at the screen, as I snuggled in further. Roman didn't move or anything as I looked down at him with a pout. He was fixated on the match instead of me all of a sudden, and I wasn't impressed. "Roman." Still nothing. I poked his side and ran a hand through his hair trying to get his attentions but it was as if he didn't want to know. His match was soon, and some may say he was in the zone, but normally he was all over me.

Roman didn't speak to me the entire time he was waiting for his match with Big Show. I felt incredibly guilty for what I thought would be a joke, and I hated him ignoring me. I didn't think it would be such a sensitive topic for him, but I'm sure I'll get him back onside later.

Roman's match was as amazing as ever as he completely dominated the giant. The Denver crowd adored him and he was showing off and playing up to it. I was immensely proud of him although he may not think it right now.

Of course Roman picked up the victory, and in came Jerry Lawler to the ring. I walked to the main screen where there was proper sound so I could hear what he had to say. They shook hands, and Roman waved to a few young fans. "Congratulations Roman on another great victory, it's brilliant to see you do so well despite all the recent rumours?" What rumours?

"There have been rumours about me?" Roman clearly didn't know what Jerry was on about either.

"Oh, well there have been some dating rumours surfacing recently, with one of the backstage divas." My heart sank, as I realised all our hard work to not be identified had failed.

"Who might that be then Lawler?" Roman looked a little sad too, as the Universe chanted different names out loud.

"They haven't specified. And I was hoping maybe you could let us know?" I honeslty never felt so relieved when Jerry said this, however it did make me realise that we weren't going to be able to sneak around forever, and sooner or later people were going to find out.

I walked up to the music man removing my hoodie so I was in my gear, "can you play my music please?" He nodded, immediately setting it all up right away. I paused and took a deep breath, hoping Roman would not be mad at me.

Everyone looked surprised to see me, which took me by no surprise, Roman didn't appear to be too fazed by my sudden appearance. "Here comes Jade Brooks everybody." I stood tall, and tried to act as if nothing was wrong, but in reality everything was wrong.

"I'm sorry." I whispered quickly to Roman, he looked up at me smiling making me feel quite a bit better about myself.

"Jade, what can we do for you?" I grabbed a microphone which was passed through the ring, and stood as close as I could to Roman. I overheard a few gasps from around the arena, as Roman wrapped an arm around me.

"I'll tell you what you can do for me Lawler, allow me to apologise to Roman for how I behaved earlier, if that is alright with you!" I began to raise my voice a bit, as Jerry coward away slightly.

"Oh, and Jerry! That girl that your so desperate to find out about, its Jade." Roman threw his microphone out of the ring, grabbing my face and kissing me. "I'm sorry for overreacting earlier babe." He whispered in my ear, pulling me into a loving hug.

"It doesn't matter now." I reminded him, staring at Jerry as he walked away.

A/N- I'm sososo sorry for the slow updates, so much has happened in the past few weeks, and its been a hard time, but I'm cool now, so I'm back writing for you all

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