Justin Gabriel for MS_GABRIEL

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Lauren's POV

Today was our first divas day off in forever. We had waited so long for a little vacation, and this time a few of the boys were joining us. We were spending the week at a resort in Mexico, so we could get back to America fairly quickly if we got called in when there is an emergency.

I had a beautiful orange bikini on, as I sat by myself on one of the sun loungers with my sunglasses covering my eyes from the gleaming, bright sun. I reached over for my drink, when I saw a shadow in my glasses lense. I lifted them up, and saw a certain Justin Gabriel stood over me, blocking my sun. "Justin, I haven't got any sun anymore, could you maybe move over a bit." He stepped to the side, as the sun hit me in the face once again.

"Sorry Lauren, I just wanted to see of you're alright, I mean I didn't want to see you sat by yourself, and then if maybe you wanted some company?" I could Justin was nervous as he rushed his speech.

"Yeah, I'd love some company thank you Justin, do you wanna sit down on this lounger?" He took a seat next to me, as I placed my bag on the floor.

"Thanks Lauren." He pulled his sunglasses down, making himself comfortable on the sun lounger.

Me and Justin talked all day, enjoying each others company. We got a few drinks, I mean we are on holiday, and watched as others were playing in the pool and enjoying the sunshine. Nattie had called me to tell me that the girls were going out for dinner, so I made my excuses and got myself ready for a girlie dinner tonight.

It was me, Nattie, Eva, Paige, Alicia, Cameron, Tamina, Brie, Nikki, Naomi and Emma sat around the table, as we enjoyed the Mexican food they had provided for us. "So, where did you get off to this afternoon Lauren?" Brie asked.

"Well, I actually ended up spending the day with Justin by the pool." The girls gasped at me, all asking for the little details.

"Gabriel?" I nodded. "And did anything happen between the two of you? Do you like him?" I felt myself blushing, as the girls noticed pointing at me.

"There is definitely something about him that makes me swoon. I can't help but smile whenever he is around me, he makes me giddy, which is something I've never felt before truly." All the girls went 'aww' apart from Nikki.

"I dont want to see you hurt Lauren. I mean Justin is a bit older than you, and I don't want to see him upset you." I could see where Nikki was coming from, there was a few years between us, but that couldn't stop a girl having a bit of harmless fun.

We had a few more courses of food to treat ourselves, when the girls all went quiet. I continued eating, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to be met by Justin. "Hey Lauren, could we maybe go for a walk or something?" I nodded, as we walked off towards the beach.

Justin laid a blanket out of his rucsac on the floor, and we both sat down on the beach. We both stayed still, staring out to the sea. I felt Justin's finger under my chin, as he turned my head around, and quickly kissed me. It felt amazing, as I kissed him back. I felt a little dizzy, and felt the butterflies in my stomach.

We both finished kissing after a few minutes, as he led me back to the hotel before walking me to my door. "Thanks for today Justin, I had a great time."

"So did I Lauren." He pecked my lips again, "night."

"Night." He walked off, as I shut the door, thinking about the amazing events that had happened today.

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