Dean Ambrose for CountryQueen717

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"What really is your problem? I like him, Seth your my brother, you're supposed to be supportive." I was sat arguing with my brother over another petty subject which he didn't support me in.

"How can I be supportive, you and my best friend want to be together. That is just wrong, and I'm telling you now, I will not be there to pick up the pieces." I didn't quite understand why he was being so funny about it really.

"There will be no pieces to pick up, we like each other. I've always supported you, even after all your pathetic scandals and Zahra. For once I'm actually happy, and you can't even accept that. Why Seth?" As you probably knew my brother had got himself in a bit of bother, and surprisingly I was quite understanding about it all, although so many others weren't.

"Do not bring Zahra into this, this has nothing to do with her! Does Dean truly make you happy? Like I am. I don't want my sister to be hurt or upset. I don't want to see your go through the pain of a breakup Ellie." There was a knock at the door, so Seth went over to answer it. "Surprise surprise." I stood up and saw Dean at the door, he smiled at me, so I waved back. "What do you want?" Seth's tone was a bit harsh.

"I came to see Ellie, well, I mean only if her selfish brother would allow me." Seth looked like he could punch Dean in the face, which made me snigger.

"Don't you start, I've had enough from her. It's just weird the thought of you two together, it doesn't sit right in my mind. I'm struggling to adjust to it."

"Why though Seth? You're sister is the most amazing girl, and I'd do anything for her and to look after her." I could see in Dean's eyes that he truly meant it.

"I just don't want Ellie to be hurt." Although I could see where Seth was coming from, I wasn't a child anymore.

"She isn't a child, she can look after herself." It was like Dean has read my mind. "Anyways, I'd never do that to her. I don't want to hurt Ellie."

"Come on Seth. We're both happy, why don't you understand that. You're to selfish to realise that we are actually happy. You're to wrapped up in yourself to see anyone else's happiness, because as long as Seth is happy, he doesn't care, you -"

"that's not true Ellie, and you know it. I want you to be happy, as much as I guess I am a bit wrapped up in Zahra and I." He stepped forwards, pulling me into a hug. "You know I love you." He whispered in my ear. I nodded, as Dean coughed reminding us all he was stood there.

"Dean's here too." We pulled him into our hug, as they both kissed the top of my head. I felt the love from both of the boys as we embraced each other.

"As long as you promise to look after my sister. Although I'm not chuffed about you to dating, if it makes you happy, who am I to stop you." I looked at Dean, as Dean looked at me smiling. He grabbed my hand and squeezed. "Oh, and no couple things around me."

"But you and Zahra do it around me all the time." I protested.

"And I'm a grown up." He defended himself with a pretty obvious observation. Seth was the older sibling, but I was still a grown up too. "I know you're a grown up, but I'm more grown up, so therefore I'm allowed to do more grown up stuff."

"That's unfair." I protested.

"Just deal with it Ellie, be lucky he is even letting us date." Dean argued. I turned around nodding, kissing his lips.

"Stop." Seth yelled, making us both laugh.

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