Seth Rollins for Cece125

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Recently everything just seemed so distant, things were far from fine between us, and I didn't like it this way. Seth Rollins, my best friend, my rock, just wasn't there for me anymore. Fame had gone to his head, and now I was a nobody to him, and it hurt, so bad. He didn't care, it was all about Seth, all about the future, and now I was the past.

I was in the corridor standing with Emma and Dana getting all the latest gossip from down at NXT. I saw Roman further down, so I gave him a quick wave, and he waved back. "He's so dreamy." Dana admitted making me laugh.

"That's lovely for you Dana, I'll set you up some time." Emma was chuckling too by now, until she tapped my shoulder and nodded down towards the male locker room. Stood just outside was Seth and a girl who I had never seen before. She had clear extensions in her hair, and lashes so long I could see them from metres away.
"What is going on between you two at the moment?" I couldn't take my eyes off of the two of them, intrigued as to what was happening between them. "Crystal?" I looked back at the girls, as they stared at me for a response.

"I really don't know anymore." I felt like letting a tear run down my cheek, but I knew I had to be strong and couldn't show anyone how truly hurt I was.

"Well, whatever it is, I hope you sort it out." I smiled graciously at Emma, keeping an eye on Seth. The girl was all over him, and Seth didn't seem to mind it all too much. I swear Seth caught a glimpse of me, but I didn't know for sure. I pretended that I didn't see him, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. I didn't even notice Dana walk off, instead I just saw the two of them lock lips, stood right in front of everyone. I couldn't be strong anymore, and ran off to my locker room before anyone saw me cry. "Crystal!" Emma shouted after me, but it was too late, I was gone.

I was sat in my locker room for a good hour, simply crying to myself, being pathetic, I admit. There was a light knock at the door, I didn't really want to answer it in the state I was in, but I didn't want to seem ignorant. "Who is it?" I asked stills sobbing.

"It's Seth, please open up." I wiped my last few tears away as I composed myself to come face to face with Seth. I got up tired, and opened the door up to him. He smiled at me, which I didn't return. I was never one to be angry, but I just couldn't help it with Seth right now. "Have you been crying?" I didn't quite realise how obvious it was that I had been crying, even though there was a little redness under my eyes.

"Yeah." I whimpered, sitting down putting my head in my hands. I felt stupid having to admit these things to Seth, however much I knew he would understand. I felt the bench lower, as he sat beside me.

"Why?" He asked in a voice as sad as mine moments ago.

"I thought I was going to lose my best friend. I didn't know what else I was going to do, without you in lonely around here." Seth placed a hand under my chin, making me look up at him.

"You'll never lose me you idiot." A small smile formed on my face, but I was still a bit unsure because of the girl from earlier.

"Who was that girl?" Seth didn't even pretend to look confused or puzzled, he knew exactly who I was talking about. I looked at him sternly, desperate for an answer.

"That was Britt, a friend of mine." Something seemed a bit strange about the whole situation, and I knew this barbie doll Britt, wasn't just a friend.

"Just a friend?" We had a special bond, and we knew when the other was lying, and I think Seth realised that about me.

"Yes. She was helping me with something that I've been meaning to do for a while now, I just never got round to it." His story seemed a bit more reasonable the second time round. I nodded my head, showing that I believed him more this time. "How did you feel when I kissed her today?"

"Well...I guess I felt jealous that she was so close to you, and then the-"

"That's it. You were jealous." I didn't understand why he was so happy that I was jealous of him and Britt, and found it a little rude.

"I don't understand." I said to him, making him chuckle.

"You wouldn't. I wanted to make you jealous as a weird way to tell you I like you, and the reason I have been avoiding you is because I didn't know how to tell you." My jaw hit the floor in shock, I was expecting him to tell me that they were dating or something.

"Seth." I whispered, as he placed his hand on top of mine. "That's cute."

"So what do you say about you and me going on a date tomorrow?"

"I say yes." Seth pulled me up, hugging me tight, as it felt nice to have what was for now my best friend back with me once again.

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