Fernando for MelissaBarringer

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"Get off of me." I screamed, as Kalisto continued to pull on my leg. I kicked and kicked, but he wasn't getting off. Sin Cara was stood laughing under his mask. As much as I wanted to fight them off of me, I just lost all of my strength. I tried to kick, but he wasn't budging.

The familiar theme of Los Matadores played out as Fernando came out by himself attacking The Lucha Dragons. They both rolled out of the ring, as Fernando came up towards me, placing a hand on my back. "Are you alright Missy?" He asked, lifting his head gear off of his face.

"My leg. It really hurts." The pain wasn't as bad as it was when he was grabbing it. Fernando rolled me over, as he rested my leg onto his hand. "Thank you Fernando." I whispered, looking quite deep into his eyes.

"You're welcome. No one likes to see a señorita struggling." His accent made me swoon slightly, as he was just so fluent. He placed a hand under my back, sitting me up, as I tried to get up. "Wait, let me help you." He said, picking me up, trying to not cause too much damage to my leg. I used the rope for a bit of support, as I limped slightly.

"Can you get the ropes?" You asked, as he lifted you over placing you on the apron. He climbed out quickly, picking you back up again so you were on the floor.

"Place your arm around me." He ordered, as I used him to support all my weight. I limped as my leg hurt, and I couldn't walk straight.

I was taken straight to the medic, Fernando still by my side. I was told to sit on the bed, my leg propped up. "Thank you for earlier, you really didn't have to do that tonight." Fernando smiled at you, grabbing your hand as the medic felt around your leg making you wince.

"It really was no bother Missy, I didn't want to see them cause you anymore harm, that's all." It was a strange feeling to have someone in the company who cared so much for you. The WWE was a place where you kept yourself to yourself, and no one really knew much about you. I was already quite quiet, and didn't really want to share my stories with anyone else.

"Still, you didn't have to." I whispered, as the medic grabbed a bandage to wrap around my ankle.

"Can I be completely honest with you?" He asked, moving on to sit on the bed with me. I nodded in response as I winced at the pain the medic was causing to me. "I wanted to tell you that I actually kinda like you." He admitted.

"Only kinda?" I teased, as he laughed at my attempt of a joke.

"Maybe, I do like you." I looked up at him, smiling at him as he brushed a hand over his head.

"Well, maybe I do like you too." I admitted to him. He looked at me shocked, almost in disbelief. I nodded my head to reassure him that I meant every word I spoke.

"Are you serious?" He asked me, as the medic finished bandaging up my ankle.

"Of course I am." I whispered, as I turned around, preparing to leave the medics room.

"Well in that case," Fernando placed a hand on my cheek, looking into my eyes, as he began to lean in, I was uncontrollable, and I began to lean in also, as our lips touched for the first time. It was magical to say the least, as I saw a few fireworks go off beside me.

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