Dean Ambrose x Finn Balor x Enzo Amore for BbMakata

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I have a new About Me book, so if any of you have any questions for me, they can be about me, wrestling, or anything else, ask away!

Being the general manager of both Raw and Smackdown certainly had its perks to say the least. I had the attention of so many of the guys, lots of them often trying to get with me or use me to their own advantage, but my no nonsense attitude scared most of them apart. I was a dangerous character and I had learnt over the years how to pick the boys up and then drop them back down, just at the right moment. All of the boys had given up on craving my affection, well apart from three.

Dean Ambrose. Enzo Amore. Finn Balor. Three of the best guys on the rosters, three of the most handsome guys on the roster. They were constantly at my feet doing whatever I said, desperate for me to fall for them and get with them. They knew I considered them mainly as friends, and they understood that completely, always looking out for me and protecting me from harm. That was until Survivor Series came around and the four us were reunited properly.

We were all sat around in the canteen, minding our own business, catching each other up on our lives when the door swung open and in came my ex boyfriend Brad. I ducked down, placing my hand over my forehead, the boys noticing my funny behaviour. "Roxanne, what's going on?" Finn asked me.

"My ex is over there." I whispered, pointing over to him as the boys all looked over, turning around quickly when he scanned the room.

"He's big," Enzo whispered, taking in a deep breath.

"You're telling me, I'm terrified of him." Enzo put his arm across the back of my seat, telling me to pull my hood up, which I did.

"He looks like he's walking up to all the tables." Dean told me, as he followed him around watching him. I could see through the gap in between the table legs his feet moving around between groups. "He's coming," Dean quickly whispered, as I faced down, pulling my hood right up.

"Hey lads, I don't suppose you've seen a girl called Roxanne have you?" As soon as I heard his voice I shot out of the room, running away and back down to the girl's locker room, somewhere I knew the boys wouldn't find me. When you spent so much time of your life with one person, just a small bit of communication with them brings everything back, all the memories, the good times come flooding back.

Later on in the day I decided that maybe I should go over and aplogise to the boys for leaving them in the lurch with Brad. They didn't know him, and who knew what they were capable of, especially with one of my exes. I walked down the corridor, stopping at their door when I heard loud muffled sounds coming from inside. I stepped forward, leaning my ear in the door, hearing the voices of the boys and Brad. "How many times do we have to tell you, she's better off without you!"

"She doesn't need you in her life anymore she's got us."

"You're so ugly, she needs some good looking guys on her arm, not a giant hairy monster who thinks he's something he's not."

I heard the three of them shout at Brad, protecting me, but secretly upsetting me. It broke my heart to hear them talk to Brad in that way even though we weren't together anymore. The spiteful tone of their voices that spat across at him. Part of me was tempted to barge in and told them to stop, but I wanted to wait and hear what else they had to say. I waited a couple more minutes listening to them, when I couldn't take it anymore. "Get out of her life, she's a train wreck with you in her life, you tore her apart and dropped her like nobody, I'm going to tell you once and for all, leaver her alone!" I threw the handle down, barging in as Enzo looked over at me guiltily.

"Roxanne, I didn't mean what I said." I looked over at Brad who looked over at me, the slight glance into his eyes tearing me apart as I performed my usual disappearing act, running away as the tears freely rolled down my cheeks, my legs carrying me quickly back to the canteen.

I sat down on the table with my head in my hands when I heard a soft whisper. "Can I sit down?" I looked up at Finn who smiled sympathetically down at me. He sat down opposite me, taking my hands away from my face, and into his own. "Are you okay?" I nodded, as my tears dried up.

"Yeah, I just hate the way he makes me feel."

"Enzo didn't mean what he said, not really." I nodded over at him sighing.

"I know, it's just when he said about Brad leaving my life, it hurt. I realised now that I don't want him out of my life, I'm still in love with him Finn, however much I tried to deny it, seeing his face today has changed everything."

"Deep down we could all see it Roxanne, it's obvious you still have so much love for him, and he does with you. Go and talk to him." I smiled over at him as he smiled back at me.

"I will, thank you so much." I stood up, walking over and hugging him.

"Now dry your tears, you've got a show to run." I pecked his cheek, running backstage to the locker room getting changed for tonight's show.

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