Damaging Feelings ~ Dean Ambrose

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"Danielle, have all the superstars signed in today?" My Dad, Triple H asked. I shook my head, "who hasn't then?"

"Dean Ambrose." See I thought Dean Ambrose was probably the hottest guy in the company, however he was the most annoying person ever, who somehow always managed to make me cry.

"Right, well you are going to have to find him, and tell him this needs to stop." I walked off to find him. My dad was the only person who has ever really been there for me, my mum died giving birth to me, so it has only ever been the two of us.

I walked into catering to find him sat with the rest of The Shield laughing, trying to be the centre of attention. I straightened my shirt and pulled my hair out of my face, walking over with a smile plastered on my face. "Hi Dean, listen I know you don't like me, but company rules require you to start signing in on arrival." He looked over at me then back to the boys.

"Sorry lads, is it just me or, can you hear a little mouse scurrying around on the floor." They all laughed, finding him very amusing. Something I didn't. I laughed pretending to find him very funny.

"Listen Ambrose, we don't get on, I get that. But don't blame me if you get the sack because you can't do one thing."

"Danielle, sweetheart, shut up and run back to daddy, or mummy, oh wait that's right you don't have a mum do you!" I felt the tears begin to form in my eyes, as dad entered catering. He immediately came over to us.

"Sir, I think you need to tell your daughter how to do her job properly, as she is harassing me for supposedly not signing in this morning. " I looked at dad,

"I shall bare that in mind Dean." I looked at Dad who didn't even look concerned at the fact I was now stood in front of everyone crying my eyes out. I'd had enough of Dean manipulating my family against me, so I did the first thing I could think of, and hit him in the face with the clipboard.

"Danielle!" I took off embarrassed by my actions as everyone ran over to Dean making sure he was okay. I turned round and saw dad running after me, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back so we were face to face.

"Get in my office now you stupid girl!" I walked to my dad's office, and sat down in one of the big chairs. A couple of minutes later in walked dad, with Dean and a big bruise by his eye.

"What was that in there?" Dean opened his mouth to answer, however before he got the chance I took off out the door, and ran for the hotel before someone got to me.

Dean's POV

Me and the boys walked over to the rental car and loaded in our bags. "Oi, Ambrose, what are you playing at with Danielle?" Ah yes, Danielle's best friend Randy Orton decided to stick his nose in. "Who do you think you are messing around with a girl who quite clearly loves you. Why can't you see that, you know nothing about her so leave her the hell alone!" He walked off back to his car, as I was left there stunned.

"What was that all about buddy?" Seth asked. I just shrugged my shoulders. I had no idea, but I was going to find out.

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