Marks Last Forever ~ Dean Ambrose

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I love him. Okay. Although I couldn't be with him, I sure wanted to. The Lunatic Fringe, with his boy next door look, I just wanted to call him mine. That would never happen though, there was just one problem. Randy Orton. My horrid boyfriend who I just couldn't leave. He was abusive, mental, physical.

"Annabella! C'mon cheer me up darlin'," there was one thing Randy loved more then wrestling. Sex. It was constant all the time, he just would always want me. I on the other hand, would much rather going and train, do some boxing, but that just wasn't allowed. "Annabella!" He bellowed. I felt myself shudder at the sound of his voice, as I trembled in fear. I looked around the room, trying to find something to get this away from me. To end all of this for good.

The door suddenly looked a lot bigger, as if it was purposely standing out to me. The fact that we were in a hotel room right now, filled me with excitement. I could just get another room far away from him. But would if be that easy?

I took a gamble as I felt tears pour down my face as I prayed it would work. I slammed the door shut as I felt in my heart that I had a little bit of freedom.

Dean's POV

I walked to my room, sweating after another intense workout to build up my preparation for Wrestlemania. I was dripping with sweat when a felt a huge push in my stomach like I'd been hit by a truck. I looked down and saw Annabella curled up in a ball on the ground, looking as if she'd been crying. "Annabella? Are you okay?" She looked up with her beautiful eyes. She had always had this twinkle which made me swoon, but how could I ever make a move on Randy's girl. I just couldn't do it.

"I'm s-sorry, I'm just gonna go." She tried to get away, but I pulled her back and she fell into my arms. I looked at her arm, taking note of all the different shades of purple on it. There were small scars around her wrists, looking as if they had bee poorly bandaged up.

"What happened to your arms?" She remained silent. I heard footsteps from around the corner, as I turned around I was met by Randy.

"Why'd you run away Annabella? You scared? You're nothing away. You're a dirty worthless little girl, who is a pathetic excuse of a human being. You wouldn't be anything if it wasn't for me, and you are just an ungrateful bitch." His words hit me hard, never mind Annabella.

I couldn't bare to see him hurt her this way, so did what only a wrestler would do, pounced. I jumped on him, repeatedly punching him, whacking his head against the floor. I heard Annabella's pleas for us to stop, but she didn't understand. I loved her. And I needed to protect her.

After I was satisfied with the job I'd done, I got off of Randy and led Annabella to my hotel room where we could sit down and talk properly.

Annabella's POV

"What was all that about?" I questioned. Dean had sat me on his bed, drying my eyes, and cleaning all my cuts and bruises up properly.

"Because I love you. There, I said it. I wanted to protect you, and be there for you, unlike Randy. You need someone who can love you Annabella, and I can be that person, if you let me in." I felt the tears rise back up to the surface of my eyes.

"Thankyou Dean." He looked at me puzzled, but I simply reached up and planted my lips onto his, making this feel as if it had all just gone away.

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