Dean Ambrose for bellasdean

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One thing I loved more then anything in the world was spending time with my best friend Dean. We were having a movie marathon today to celebrate the fact we finally had a day off from a long tour with work. We knew each other inside out, and could also finish each other's sentences. Our bond was special and we knew that we were never ever gonna fall out.

We were wrapped up in our blankets fort watching Frozen for the ten thousandth time this year. It was my favourite film ever, and I often made Dean watch it with me. "Don't you think the relationship with Kristoff and Anna is the cutest thing ever?" I asked Dean, in awe of how unassuming they were for their love for each other and how happy they were around each other.

"Yeah, I mean they definitely remind me of you and me." I couldn't agree more with him, as I snuggled into Dean because of the cold air coming through the window.

"You've got that right!" We watched the rest of the film in silence, still gripped by the storyline even though we could practically recite all the scenes word for word. It was one of those films where you didn't need to talk to feel comfortable. Who would have known the hardcore Dean Ambrose would enjoy Frozen so much though.

The film finished, as we tucked into our third bowl of popcorn. "I never asked you Kaylee, how did that date you went on the other day work out?" A few days ago I went on a date with a man named Robert, but he wasn't quite the person he said to be. I didn't really like him, and he seemed very dominant and controlling, possibly the worst traits a man could have.

"Can we not talk about it. Let's just say don't you ever treat a girl like he treated me that night!" Dean nodded understanding that it didn't quite play out as I hoped. Another thing I liked about Dean, he never pushed me into saying things and if I didn't want to tell him I didn't have to.

"Well, let's just hope the rest of the men you date don't turn out like him." He placed his hand on my leg sympathetically, rubbing his thumb on my thigh slightly. "Come on then, how many attempts until I can get this popcorn in your mouth by throwing it." I shifted backwards slightly, as I opened my mouth so he had a target to aim for. "A mouth that big it'll be hard to miss."

"Dean!" I scolded. "That's not fair." I moved further away to make it harder for him to throw. "Now try." I demanded to him, as we acted professional trying to aim up his shot.

After six attempts he finally got the piece of popcorn in, and we sat back down to eat the rest of the popcorn. "I like these moments we have Kaylee." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, kissing the top of my head. "They make me remember what my home is like when I leave for work. This is the time I'll remember when I miss home, and miss you."

"So do I Dean, but your work is worth it. It's your career. I'm happy for you, and when you come home we just have much more fun in the short space of time we have."

"I wish everyone could be so understanding as you are." So many people in Dean's family didn't like what he was doing with his life, as they knew it was only ever going to be temporary. "If only everyone could see what you see."

"I'm just being a good friend Dean, that's all." We finished off the popcorn, and looked for another short movie to watch as we were too awake to go to bed or sleep.

"You're more then a good friend Kaylee, you're the bestest friend I could've ever wished for." I got up pulling Dean into a hug, sniffing back a few tears at how adorable he was. "Maybe one day we could be more then best friends." I pulled away, trying to study the emotions on his face.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked, suddenly confused by what he was talking about.

"I don't know, I just wish that when I find my one true love she is exactly like you, and treats me right, and loves me for me, supports my career and is always up for a laugh." It was fairly rare having deep conversations with Dean, because he always hid his emotions, except when he was around me.

"Wow! Well I'm honoured you see me in that way. I mean you'll find your lucky lady one day." No matter how strong he was, it broke my heart to witness him to through breakup after breakup. He'd never been given the opportunity to love someone before they left him for something or someone else.

"God dammit Kaylee, why can't you see!" Dean shouted, lightly pushing himself away from me.

"See what? I don't understand." I shouted back, my voice slightly cracking at the harsh tone he used against me.

"I like you." His voice softened, careful not to scare me. "What I'm trying to say is I like you."

"Oh Dean, all you had to do was say. Really, I hope my husband is just like you too. He'd have great hair, an amazing sense of humour, good looking, a mental job." I stepped back towards him, placing both my hands in his.

"Well, if that is the case then, perhaps we could go for dinner tomorrow night, and this time maybe more then just a bowl of popcorn or a late night McDonald's drive thru." He placed a hand on my cheek, placing my  head just under his shoulder.

"Sure, I mean, what's the worst that could happen." We sat back down on the blankets, only this time the space between us slightly smaller, as I pressed play on the next film.

A/N - Check out my preferences book! I've started a pregnancy series and you have the chance to write in it if you wish!

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