Randy Orton for DALunaticGirl

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I can't lie, its not a bad feeling having two guys have feelings for you. It gives you a feeling of importance and reminds you that you actually mean something to someone. I had two of the biggest names in the business falling for me, Brock Lesnar, and Randy Orton. Both were equally as persistent and desperate as each other. My only trouble was, I could only have one.

I was meeting up with Nattie for some lunch in catering when I heard a muffled shout, which sounded a bit like my name. I turned around and saw Brock speed walking towards me. "Mia, wait up!" I stopped and waited for him to catch me up politely. "What are you up to?" He asked.

"I'm meeting Nattie, so I've really got to get going." I attempted to walk away from the huge frame, but he stood blocking my path like a brickwall.

"Wouldn't you rather go to lunch with me?" As nice as the offer was, I couldn't stand Nattie up, or leave her sat by herself waiting for me to arrive.

"As nice as it sounds, I really should be eating with Nattie, especially as we've already made arrangements to see each other." He gave me quite a threatening glance making me shudder in his presence suddenly.

"Mia, you're coming to lunch with me." Brock clawed his hand over my wrist, digging into it. I resisted with all my power, but I was as weak as a mouse trying to get out of such a huge man's grasp. I dragged my feet on the floor in a desperate bid to not move anywhere else with Brock.

"Ow! Brock you're hurting me. Stop!" I yelled, hoping someone might just hear me. He continued to yank hard on my wrist to try and move me. I kicked and screamed throwing up a fuss, trying to get someone's attention.
"Mia?" I turned around and saw Randy running towards me. He immediately ran towards Brock, as they both hurtled towards the ground, throwing punches repeatedly at one another. I reached forward, trying to stop them from causing anymore harm to each other. I tugged lightly on Randy's arm making him look up at me. I pleased with him through eye contact to stop. Randy got up, giving Brock one last kick before straightening himself back up so he looked half decent.

"What was that all about?" I examined his face, checking for no injuries or serious damage. He had a few cuts and bruises but not to serious.

"I was trying to help you, and get you away from that creep. You know how I feel about you Mia, and I couldn't stand back and watch him do those things to you without getting involved myself." As much as I understood he had reasoning to do it, it hurt that he had fought with Brock over me.

"But he hurt you Randy." I ran my hand over a cut on his face, which I'm sure would require stitches.

"It was all worth it Mia. I did it for you, but you just don't seem to care. Its obvious to me that you want Brock the way you protected him earlier. I'm not willing to put myself on the line for you anymore, you and Brock, I hope you are happy together." Randy began to walk off as all these thoughts came into my head.

I couldn't be with Brock, not after he hurt me, whereas Randy, he was my superhero, he saved me and get protected me from someone who was hurting me. Randy was the kind of guy I wanted, he was the kinda guy I needed in my life. I couldn't believe I hadn't realised this earlier, but now I was certain. It had to be Randy. It was only ever Randy.

"Randy wait up!" I yelled running after him to catch up and make sure he didn't leave. I had to run fast as he had quite big strides. "Please listen to me for just a second, that is all I ask." Randy nodded to signal for me to continue as we made our way down the corridor to somewhere a bit more private.

"What do you have to say that could seriously make me feel.any better right now?" I could see in his eyes how angry he was at me, but I just hoped that what I was about to tell him would cheer him right up.

"I'm sorry. Okay, I'm sorry I didn't say this sooner, I'm sorry for stringing you along all these time, but I've realised, its you I want and need. I can't be with someone who would hurt me like that, I need someone who will look after me, be my superhero." Randy paid me more attention then he ever had before as I spoke.

"What are you trying to say exactly then?" He asked.

"That I want to be with you Randy, if you'll let me." I took a step towards him as we froze in the corridor. I placed a hand over his.

"Of course I want to be with you, I've cared for you for so long, how could I say no?" I giggled as he stepped forwards to me and leaned down to me, gently kissing me on the lips, running a hand through my soft hair. "I've waited so long for that moment. Be mine Mia?"

"Of course I will Randy." I replied as we shares another loving kiss in the corridor.

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