Lets Talk

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Alright, so firstly I'm going to apologise for another fake upload of me talking but I feel like now it needs to be done. If you could all please take the time just read through this, even if you skim it, just because this is something important to me that all the people who follow my books should know.

Okay, so a few months ago I went through a long period where I just didn't update, and people thought I had forgotten about my books and their requests and suggestions etc. That was not the case at all, because deep down I was going through the toughest moment of my life. I don't want people to feel sorry for me because so many people have experiences similar to mine but I feel like I'm at a place to owe you all an explanation for my long disappearance a few months ago.

I'm always going through different ideas in my head, publishing some but not the others. I'm constantly creating things in my mind, but when it comes to showing other people I can't help but always stop myself. I always feel as if they won't be good enough, or that people won't like them and the hard work I put in won't be worth it.

Over time I started to feel worse and worse about myself, writing and many other things. I write for me and my own enjoyment, but when you also write for other people and to make other people happy these feelings multiply much stronger, and I would sit at night freaking out that what I wrote for someone wasn't good enough. I hated pressing publish in fear that I'd disappoint someone, but I didn't just feel that way on Wattpad, just in life in general. People always talk about how they have inner demons and battles but I had never felt anything like how I felt a couple of months ago.

To top it all off, my grandma died, one of my biggest supports in everything I did, and that was when I decided I had had enough. I thought about deleting my whole account, it was like the passion I had for this incredible app I had completely disappeared, but inside I knew that I still had pieces of writing to do for people, who I didn't want to let down at all. I felt as if my writing was accumulating to nothing and that it was pointless.

But, I started receiving messages from people asking where I was and asking me to update more, and when you're at your lowest it is those moments that make you feel so much better. Slowly I started feeling better, and eased myself back into writing small parts, little paragraphs and eventual parts that I felt comfortable publishing.

I question so many things in my life but I finally feel like I am back to me again, and I finally feel happy to share why I stopped for a few months. I know a few of you will be reading this and questioning why I waited so long, but I feel one hundred per cent like I owe this to you.

I'm publishing everyday because Wattpad has become my happiest place again and there is nothing I love more right now then opening my laptop and typing a little story. I may not be the best writer and you may all be annoyed with how often I update right now but please understand my reasons. I have found so much love in writing that I have new accounts which I write off of. First of all I have a collaboration account at ChloeAndJelly but also I am creating a new account tonight where I will be writing proper fanfictions for you all. You can check my account out at  which I will be updating.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope you all understand a little bit more about everything that has happened with my account.

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