Poor Student ~ Dean Ambrose

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Another smoky breath engulfed me as I sat on the bed. I pulled my tight shorts up, as they just covered my bum. My boyfriend was on his way over, and well, we didn't do much talking when he was over. From outside the sound of a revving engine could be hears as I looked outside and saw Jon take off his helmet. He pulled up and walked over to the back of his bike, pulling out a crate of beers for the two of us to drink. This is why I loved him. I took one last one glance in the mirror applying a thick layer of eyeliner. Before he had time to knock I opened the door and jumped straight into his arms. I could smell the smoke in his breath, as he led me into my room. "God I have such a sexy nerd for a girlfriend." I laughed at his comment pulling him onto the bed. I was a very nerdy girl, but Jon bought out a dark streak in me, making me want to turn into one badass chick.

"Well, somehow I got myself a toyboy!" I reached for a beer but he smacked my hand away. I was three years older than Jon, but he was my one friend. Everyone in school despised me, but Jon was a popular boy who wanted to help me make some friends.

"Excuse me! They are not for you just yet naughty. Roman and Sami are coming over in a bit for some drinks and a smoke." I kissed him again. "But you do look extremely sexy in that outfit!" He launched himself back at me, tugging at the hem of my shirt. He became hungry as things became heated very quickly. One thing lef to another as things turned passionate. 'Knock knock'. Really? Way to ruin the moment. I rushed to find my clothes and threw them back on. "Are they kidding me right now." I strolled over to him flirtatiously, trying to tease him.

"Shut up! Stop being a grumpy teenage boy and answer the door." He grunted and walked towards the door as I opened up a few beers.

"I can't help it if I love sex Velvet Sky." I giggled as the boys walked in. They all ran at me kissing my cheek and takinf beers out of my hand.

"Looking fine today girl. You got 'rip these off' all over you!" Sami remarked making me giggle. Jon shot Sami a glare to remind him I was his. Jon pulled me onto his lap as he pulled a cigarette from out of his pocket lighting it in my room. He inhaled a deep breath puffing it straight into my face.

I was studying for my exams, and although I was perceived as a bad girl, but I was still desperate to do well and succeed. I snuck out as the boys were in a deep conversation without me. I walked into my study pulling out books, paper, pens and my glasses. "Please just be quiet boys." I begged to myself.

"There you are beautiful, I've been looking all over for you!" After half an hour of revision the door creaked open and in walked a slightly drunk Jon. "I missed you," he slurred balancing himself on the door. I walked over sitting him on my chair, kneeling down in front of him. "I want you Velvet, come on, you're my world girl. You know you want to!" I knew he was on a high, and didn't want to take advantage, however this was one thing he always wanted.

I struggled to stop myself as we started making out on the floor of my study. My books were thrown all over my room, my desk no longer tidy. We heard a door slam, indicating the boys had gone and we werw left alone.

After probably moving round half the house, we were sat in the living room, tangled in each others arms. Jon was puffing on yet another cigarette as I had a bottle of beer next to me. "I know I don't always show it babe, but I do love you so much." I kissed him on the lips getting closer to him.

"I love you too Jon."

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