Sheamus for TheBadNewsAddiction

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It was fair to say me and my ginger giant had a rather tumultuous relationship thus far. Of course we loved each other very much, but everything sometimes felt like a bit of a whirlwind. We barely knew each other's family, me and his siblings had only properly shared a quick hello. We had only been married for two months, yet somehow it felt like a lifetime.  In a good way of course.

My brother AJ, as in Styles, had invited us all around for a barbecue with some of our closest friends and their partners. AJ had only briefly met Sheamus once prior to our wedding, and that was it. The two of them were only really acquaintances, they didn't exactly get on like the best of friends, in fact I would go as far to say that AJ hated Sheamus from what little he knew of him, and only acted to like him for my sake. We never got round to seeing each other often, so they didn't really have time to bond, but I just felt stuck in the middle, they both meant so much to me.

We went round to the backyard of AJ's house, my hand guiding Sheamus. For once he was apprehensive about being around our friends. I opened the gate, the aroma of a sizzling sausages filling my nose. We both inhaled the smell before walking in together. Everyone turned around to see who it was, smiling when they saw us. Except AJ. Immediately I noticed his eyes locked on mine and Sheamus' hands interlocked together. He walked over to the two of us, as Sheamus tightened his grip around my hand. "Fancy giving me hand mate?" He was surprisingly nice, as I let go of his hand. Sheamus nodded as the two men walked over to the barbecue, cracking open a couple of beers.

He looked back at me quickly, I smiled that he would be fine. I whispered to him that I loved him as AJ passed him a beer, both men in their element.

"Ashley!" I looked down the long garden to see Ryback waving me over. He had this awful Hawaiian themed shirt on, bright pink with a floral pattern. I walk over to see him sat in a chair with Konnor and my best mate Wade. I sit down on Wade' s lap grabbing a beer off the ground.

"What even is that shirt?" I yelled. Ryback looked over at me defenceless as the other boys laughed too.

"Just because I'm the only one man enough to wear one. Those two idiots hid their ones in their bags." I picked up Wade's bag to see at the bottom a baby blue shirt with surfboards on. I picked it out opening the buttons up for him.

"Put it on," I demanded, and he did so. Wade knew me so well that if I asked him to do something I meant it, and if he didn't I wouldn't leave him alone until he did.

"Anyways shorty, I'm loving that new hair of yours." I had recently dyed my long hair back to brown again, as I always felt I looked better with that and my nose piercing. I flicked my hair around a couple of times, forgetting Wade was behind me. "Don't mind me just munching on your hair."

"Sorry." I smiled apologetically as we went back to our conversation about hair.

"Whatever anyone says though, I have definitely got the best hair." All of us looked at Ryback, as he shined the top of his head winking.

The four of us talked for a while, before I remembered I'd left Sheamus with AJ, I hadn't heard no shouting or punches being thrown yet so it can't have been too bad.

Sheamus' POV  

I was trying to stop my legs shaking underneath me as I walked up to the pit with AJ. I didn't really understand him as a person, but he was Ashley's brother so I had to try. He passed me some tongs to start with the food. "So I don't really know you, so as of this evening I'm going to start a fresh with you. You're married to my sister, so it doesn't matter what I think of you really." I turned to him gobsmacked that he was treating me with some respect for once. Normally I would struggle to get two words out of him.

"Look, I don't have a problem with you, and just like you, you're Ashley's brother and our marriage cannot change that, so it doesn't matter what I think either." He smiled at me, I'd say it was almost genuine, but we could work on that over time.

"I gave my sister a blessing to marry you because she'd always tell me how much you care for her and that you protect her. Any man who does that is good enough for me, but it doesn't mean I have to like them."

"Of course I do. I love your sister man. She's a handful I'll give her that, but I wouldn't have it any other way." We both laughed soaking up the burning sun shining on the garden.

"She gets it from her brother, trust me." Suddenly things didn't look like they'd turn out too bad, and maybe, just maybe it was worth it coming to this barbecue. Ashley looked like she was having a great time, and to be honest she needed to catch some sun on that pale skin of hers. We both did.

We both cooked for a while, discussing typical lad things, football (soccer), girls and beer. The whole evening was lovely, and when the food was finished being prepared by the two of us everyone was starving.

Ashley grabbed a plate making her way over to me, snaking an arm around my waist. Her head rested on my chest as I leaned my head on top of hers. "I'm glad to see you two getting along." She commented.

"Me too, hopefully the two of us will become friends now." She looked up kissing my lips, careful not to go too far in front of her brother.

Ashley's POV

For the rest of the evening we all had an amazing time, we ate far too much food, which I'm sure the gym would pay me for in the morning, and spent plenty of time in the pool messing around. I was grateful to my husband and my brother for putting their differences aside and coming together for my sake.

"Who says we do this all again next week?" Konnor asked. We all cheered at the idea.

"I'm not hosting."

"Maybe me and Ashley can. Show you all around the pad and introduce you to a few of our friends." I looked up at Sheamus to make sure he knew what he was doing, he nodded back at me, and everyone else seemed pretty keen on the idea too.

"It's agreed then." I cuddled into my husband's side, when I felt ice cold water hit the back of my neck, then dripping down my spine. I turned around, with a glare just as cold to be met with AJ's gaze. I stepped forward as he aimed the water pistol in his hands up towards my face. His finger slowly went down on the trigger, so I ran around and hid behind Sheamus, resulting in the water flying right into his face. I couldn't help but laugh as the two boys both looked at me. My smirk soon disappeared as the two muscular men ran at me throwing me in the pool together, soaking me through.

"I hate you both so much." I chattered, through the shivers in my spine.

"We hate you too." They both smiled cheekily at me, trying not to laugh at me.

I soon felt a few more splashes hit me as everyone else jumped in without a care, turning our amazing party into an equally brilliant pool party. I'd never seen so many happy faces, more so on the face on my brother.

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