Just Listen ~ Dean Ambrose

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I was sat with Dean and Roman in my hotel room. They were talking about Bray Wyatt, which kinda bored me, so I just switched off. I plaited my long brown hair twidling it round in my fingers. "-don't you think Athena." I looked up at the mention of my name.

"I'm sorry." I admitted, "I wasn't listening, what were you saying?"

"Do you ever listen to a word I say, or do you just sit there in silence ignoring me. No wonder not many people like you, your an ignorant bitch Athena." He snapped. He never reacted like this, yes admittedly I do ignore him sometimes but all he talks about is his career.

"How dare you! I try hard to listen to you, I really do, but since the only thing you give a damn about is your career it is very hard. Trust me!" Roman sat cowering in the corner as he looked very uncomfortable. Dean stood over me, which was very threatening as he was so much taller then me.

"That's a bit rich! Look at you, at least I have a stable career." He really was winding me up now.

"Well at least I have a family!" Next thing I knew I felt a burning sensation in my cheek and my head hit the wall behind me. He hit me. Roman rushed to my side checking for blood. Dean stood back as he wiped his eyes, desperately trying not to cry. "Roman can you give us a minute bro." He nodded kissing the top of my head. The door slammed as Dean sat on the sofa putting his head in his hands. "Dean." He looked up at me. "I'm sorry!" I blurted out. He walked up to me slowly, making sure not to scare me. He bent down so his was at my height.

"No baby, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said the things I said, I shouldn't have wound you up like that. Is your cheek okay? Your head? Did I hurt you? I'm so stupid!" I put my finger over his lips to stop him rambling.

"I should be apologizing. And my cheek is fine, just a small bruise but hey that is what make up is for." He laughed, something I loved to see. "I love you."

"I love you too Athena!" He pulled me onto the bed and into his chest. He kissed my cheek as the pain began to stop. Next thing I knew I could hear snoring from just above me. Typical Dean.

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