King Barrett for I-Heart-Ziggler Part 2

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I watched the screen in anticipation, praying silently that somehow Daniel would find the strength to beat Wade to the ground. The chances of that happening, got smaller and smaller, as Wade raised his arm band, waving his arm in a circualr motion with his signature snarl, smacking Daniel straight in the face with the Bull Hammer. Daniel fell to the floor. "No! Kick out!" I pleaded.
Brilliant. Wade had picked up the victory. I rushed backstage and packed all my stuff away hoping I could get away before he came back. My breathing picked up, as I built up a huge amount of nervous energy. I was speeding up, running to the exit door. I thought I had got away, when I heard the annoying British accent ring through my ears, "Riley!" I turned around to come face to face with Wade.

"Where were you going? I'm taking you for dinner remember." He was panting, so I could tell he was out of breath from having to run from one side of the arena to the other. I could almost sense a bit of eagerness on his part.

"Oh. I was just about to put my bags in my rental car." I mentally cursed at myself for making it sound like I was actually trying to get away. I didn't sound convincing at all, anyone would've been able to tell it was a coverup. Well, apart from Wade.

"I could have taken your bags for you. There was no need for you to struggle like that." He snapped my bags out of my hands and picked them up with ease.

"Wade? Why are you being so nice?" I queried.

"Well, I'm taking you to dinner, so I thought I could be at least a gentleman about it all." I felt a little flutter in my heart when he said that. He almost cared about me I guess, no matter how much we would truly hate each other. "Come on then, let's get going." I was hurried off towards his car before I could speak another word.

The restaurant was beautiful, it had amazing decorations all around the tables, fairy lights, lamps, candles, it was just so peaceful. The conversation had surprisingly been flowing between me and Wade, and it turned out we had quite a lot in common. "Why'd you hate me aye?" Wade threw me off guard when he asked quite a serious question.

"I never hated you, I just-"

"You hated me Riley, everyone could tell. You didn't exactly make it subtle, I've never seen something so obvious." I felt a wave of guilt go over me, as I reflected on just how obvious I had been with my hatred towards Wade.

"I just had vibes from you that you had a problem with me, and that you disliked me, so I decided I was to have the same opinion of you." The conversation was turning deep, and I didnt particularly like it.

"You know, I really liked it. I just had to disguise my feelings for you, so no one knew." Wait, what?

"Feelings?" I pushed.

"I can't hide it any longer, I've had feelings for you Riley for such a long time, and it broke my heart to know that you hated me and didn't want anything to do with you. I wish I could've been a man and told you, but I just found it so hard to express myself, especially to someone like you." I reached over the table, placing my hand over his, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Aww Wade. Why didn't you just tell me?" I could see the sadness and despair in his eyes, making my heart melt.

"I was scared." He confessed. There was nothing else I could to console him or make him feel better, other then to get up off my seat, stretch across the table and plant a kiss on his cheek, I'm the hope he'd realise that I feel the exact same things about him that he does about me.

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