Chris Jericho for Slytherin_queen12

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There was something about the blue eyed girl that had me weak at the knees. Her kindness, the happy aura that followed her around everywhere she went, the bravery she had in and out the ring. Quite frankly I'd do anything for her. Tonight was Raw and I was having to help Kevin retain the title alongside Hunter and Stephanie. The two of them had been mistreating Amelia for months and it hurt to see it happen, she just didn't know how much it hurt me. Her smile was slowly disappearing and I couldn't bare to see it. I hadn't seen that blue eyed girl for two years, and it sucked real bad.

Amelia's POV

Tonight was yet another night of title defence against Sasha Banks. Our feud had been going on for quite a while because Hunter and Steph felt as if they had no storyline ideas for me. It sucked a lot that every night was the same old stuff, as much as I loved working with Sasha.

I was sat in catering when a member of the crew asked for me to go to head office and see Stephanie. I knocked on the door as she instructed me to come in. I was always nervous when someone would tell me Steph wanted to see me, but I had to give her the benefit of the doubt. "Amelia, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks."

"Please take a seat." I sat down in the black swivel chair that was tucked under her desk. "So you'll be pleased to know we think we have found the next move in your career. Tonight Kevin will be defending his championship against Roman. Since he and Chris are no longer best friends, we think a champions feud is in order, so for the match you will be in his corner." I'd never worked with one of the guys before, never mind Kevin Owens, I was slightly apprehensive but so excited at the same time. "We will be out their too, but all you need to do is make sure he doesn't lose the title."

"Sounds easy to me! Thanks Steph." We both stood up and shook hands as she went back to her paperwork. I took that as a cue to leave so turned around and walked out the door, pulling out my phone.

@WWE: Tonight @AmeliaWWE is in the corner of @FightOwensFight as @WWERomanReigns has @SashaBanksWWE in his on Raw.

Not only five minutes later had the official tweet been sent out from the WWE account. I couldn't bare to look through the mentions and comments on it just in case they were negative. I didn't want anyone's opinion to ruin my happy mood for tonight.

Chris' POV

Was this a joke? Amelia was teaming up with my ex best friend. Even though Amelia wasn't mine, I hated the thought of her even being in the same room as Kevin. I pulled out my phone looking at where Raw was going to be tonight. Toronto, Canada. There was six hours until Raw started, and if I was quick I could make it in time. I rang up my agent as he sorted transport out for me. "I'm coming," I whispered, hoping somehow Amelia might hear.

Amelia's POV

"Please don't mess this up tonight for me Amelia." My attitudes towards Kevin quickly changed when I realised how arrogant he was. Anyone would think I was a newbie about to make my debut, not an experienced wrestler in the WWE.

"I would have thought you'd be wanting to be nice to me tonight, after all, your fate is almost in my hands. When you've been working in this company for four years I'll ask you how I should do things." I turned around and walked off not wanting to spend another moment with that man. Part of me was concerned that tonight was going to turn me heel, something I definitely didn't want, so I just had to rack my brains with ideas just in case.

Chris' POV

"Ladies and gentleman please welcome my guest at this time Chris Jericho." Renee introduced me as I walked into shot. I was doing a small segment to be put on the social media pages to try and get the buzz up surrounding Raw as I was back after two years. I had spoken to Vince earlier on in the day who let me do it. No one else knew I was here, especially Amelia. "Chris you've been gone for two years, what's made you decide tonight here in Toronto that you want to come back?"

"Well Renee, when in Rome and all that. I was passing, so I thought I'd stop by and wish everyone luck for tonight." My mind was all over the place right now, I couldn't really understand what I had said. "I'm joking. I heard that my dear friend Amelia is teaming with Kevin Owens tonight, so I couldn't stand back and watch so instead I'm here to save Amelia from that scumbag and the rest of the WWE Universe."

"Is there any particular reason why tonight you feel as if you need to save Amelia?" My brain was screaming at me to tell everyone I liked her, but I just couldn't.

"Look here, I've been on the receiving end of The Authority before, and I don't want to see Amelia go through the same." Renee nodded as I heard heels hitting the ground behind me. I turned around as Steph stood next to me, the height she gained from her shoes making our eyes level.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Showing up here like you own the place, well done Chris, because you've just jeopardised your little friend Amelia a whole lot more. Tonight Roman Reigns will not be against Kevin Owens, because you will. It's pretty simple really, you win then you become champion, but if you lose, Amelia becomes part of The Authority, and you're fired!" She did a mean impression of her dad walking away. Renee stood awkwardly in the background. I turned around and smiled at her trying to make her feel a bit more comfortable.

"It's good to see you anyways Chris. Enjoy tonight." We both smiled as I stepped back out of shot as Renee finished talking. "Cheers Renee." I thanked her before walking off to see some of my old friends.

Amelia's POV

I went out to the ring last, as the three if them stood ringside. I high fived a few fans, as me and Kevin glared at each other, neither wanting to give in. Steph pushed Kevin to get in the ring making me snigger in victory. I sat on the barricade trying to not get involved as I didn't really want to be there. The match passed slowly, and I spent most of my time just talking to the fans and interacting with the small children. Steph had slapped Sasha taking her out of the match, giving an advantage to Kevin. Hunter slid in and hit the Pedigree on Roman, pulling Kevin on top of him. Roman's face was a giveaway that he wasn't going to kickout, so I did what any normal person would do and slid in pushing Kevin off causing the disqualification. "What are you doing?" He screamed, lying on the mat.

"The right thing." I replied smiling to myself. I helped Roman up when I felt something hit the back of my head. I fell down as feet continuously kicked me, bruises quickly forming. I was helpless in the ring as the beat down carried on.

Seconds later I heard the familiar theme of Chris Jericho play, only I thought it was a joke, until I heard the crowd screaming to signal he was here and on his way. I put up with the pain for a few more moments until Chris managed to clear the ring, coming over by my side. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I've dealt with worse." I joked. He placed an arm around my waist, slowly lifting me up.

"Here let me help you." He picked me up, carrying me out of the ring. My championship was lying on the floor, but my stomach was too sore when I spoke. I poked his arm pointing to it. He realised what it was and led me over kneeled down and lowered me down just far enough so I could pick it up.

He carried me all the way backstage until we got to the medics room. "I knew something like this would happen." He whispered, just loud enough for me to hear.

"Is that why you're here?" I questioned.

"Of course it is. I had to come and protect you, you're my friend."

"Thanks Chris, I owe you one." I smiled, pecking his cheek.

"Amelia?" The medic came out and led me into a room. "I'll see you in a bit Chris." I waved back at him as he weakly smiled, something wasn't quite right, but I was far too concerned about my damaged body to ask right now.

A/N - I have set up a community page called WWE of Wattpad, if you would like to be a part of it, please comment or inbox. It is a great opportunity for all the fans on Wattpad to talk. It's brand new so I would love some people to help and start me off

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