The Lucha Dragons for XxKalistoxX

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This afternoon I was filming a video with my two best friends The Lucha Dragons. Last night I sent a tweet out asking for some questions for us to answer in the video. I set all the equipment up whilst the boys ate all the food in my kitchen. "Boys, I'm all set up and ready." They both came running up the stairs into my bedroom. They sat either side of me as I opened up my Twitter, doing my entrance for the video.

"So today I am joined by two very special guests, Kalisto," I pointed to my left, "and Sin Cara," I said pointing to my right. They both waved at the camera. "Okay so let's get right into it." I read the first tweet, as the boys kept trying to wind me up. A link came up to a video which I clicked on. It was named '1 Man 1 Jar.' Luckily I had seen this before and knew that it was the perfect thing to show the boys. I played the video telling them to watch closely. I couldn't help but laugh as they jumped at bits, twitching as they watched intently. Once the video had finished both boys looked like they had seen a ghost.

"Why would you make me watch that?" Kalisto especially had turned a very pale colour in the face. "Why are you not scared or anything?"

"I've watched this before." The boys both playfully smacked me, annoyed that I had almost set them up like this.

"I can't believe you'd do such a thing Zoella, I'm pretty sure you've scarred me for life!" I certainly didn't expect them two react like this, but it sure made great viewing for the video.

"Alright, so after that bit of fun, how about we answer the next question?" They both nodded as I composed myself to read the next one out. "Now just remember this hasn't come from me." I looked over at Kalisto who sighed. "This user asks if you're related to Rey Mysterio." Sin Cara high fived me, the anger clearly in Kalisto. I knew how much he hated to be asked that question, so of course I couldn't resist asking him, just to make sure!

"How many more times do I have to say this, me and Rey Mysterio are not related." He was practically screaming at the user through the screen. I placed a hand on his back.

"How about we just move on." Kalisto nodded. "This next one is lovely, clearly a very big Sin Cara fan asks how your shoulder is bearing up after your injury?"

"How come he gets a nice one like that! Are you sure that I haven't been asked nice questions and you've just decided to pick on me." I turned to Sin Cara completely ignoring Kalisto as he carried on moaning about the fact I asked him a silly question to wind him up. "Don't turn your back on me." I leaned forward pressing the stop button on the camera.

"Will you shut up and just film the video." Kalisto quickly sat down as I signalled to Sin Cara to talk.

"Well lovely fan, my shoulder is doing very well thanks, I still have a few problems, but nothing a big man like me can't handle." We smiled at each, as I opened my phone back up.

"That's sweet," I remarked. "Okay, so boys, next question, the craziest thing Zoella has ever done? Now think carefully," I warned. The sun was blaring through the curtains at this point making the three of us all look like ghosts on the camera, but I wasn't going to stop filming now. The boys were clearly enjoying themselves, but also getting a bit agitated sitting and talking to a camera for so long.

"Let's put it this way, it's nothing that can be said on camera." I gave Kalisto a sharp glance, silently begging him not to continue, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Too right! What happens in Ibiza stays in Ibiza." It's safe to say that Ibiza was a wild holiday, not to be talked about. The boys had encouraged me to do a few things, that in hindsight I shouldn't have, I'd also had one too many drinks, but I'll let you imagine the rest.

"Alright then, swiftly moving on, the next question is, Zoella can you twerk?" I immediately started to blush, which of course was going to be obvious on camera. I could feel both of the boys staring at me, one to my left, and one to my right. "Actaully I think I misread that question, what I meant to say was Kalisto what is the first song on your phone after shuffle?"

"No, you can't get away with it that easily," Kalisto protested. I picked his phone up myself handing it to him.

"Just shuffle." He unlocked his phone, pressing a few buttons, when Booty Me Down by Kstylis played. I absolutely loved that song, and it was always the first song to get me on the dancefloor. All three of us would bang out a few moves on a night out, and I probably danced to it that night in Ibiza, well I can't exactly remember. Slowly Sin Cara started to move his body to the beat, standing up and busting a few moves. Kalisto quickly followed suit, placing his phone down so he didn't drop it. Soon after I felt both the boys looking at me, pressuring me to join in. I stood up, slowly moving my hips.

"Now's your chance to twerk Zoella." I sighed giving in, twerking on both of the boys.

"Hey! Why aren't you two doing it?" Both of them started to follow my lead, both equally clueless as to exactly what they were doing, but it was entertainment for my viewers anyway.

We all started going crazy, when Kalisto moved a bit too far, knocking my tripod and camera over onto the ground. I hurried to pick them both up, noticing the camera screen had gone black. I hastily pressed all the buttons wishing for it to come back on. "I'm so sorry Zo."

"It's alright, as long as it works." Thank goodness after a while the screen came back on and all the footage was still there. "I'm so sorry guys, somebody got a bit too excited." I said, nodding my head towards Kalisto. "You've got a nice ass thou K." We all started laughing as I held the camera up properly as if I was vlogging. I quickly did my outro to include with the footage, turning my camera off and placing it down safely. "You two are a nightmare."

"Maybe so, but that was a lot of fun Zo." Kalisto came over and hugged me tightly.

"Yeah I had a blast." I pulled Sin Cara in to join our hug.

"I'm so grateful for the two of you choosing to do this with me, it means a lot. I just can't wait to see what it looks like now." I pulled away packing up my expensive equipment.

"I'm in it, it'll be great." We both lightly punched Kalisto, laughing hysterically.

A/N - I need a new cover for my book, so if anyone is interested in making one, tell me in the comments.

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